Day ONE...Happy BIRTH day LJT!
Week ONE...Libbi's first dr's appt 7lbs 12 oz and 19.25 inches long
Week TWO...spending some quality "tummy time" with daddy
Week THREE...resting in her bouncy seat (we had yet to see her eyes very often!) still sooooo sleepy, but obviously starting to eat well ;-)
Week FOUR...starting to become more alert, figuring out that she can s-t-r-e-t-c-h out, and discovering how much she loves her pacifier!
ONE MONTH...bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to play!
PS....MONTH ONE...11 pounds 3 ounces and 22 inches long!!!
"For this child we have prayed and the Lord has granted us what we asked of him..." 1 Samuel 1:27