Wanna know all the things I did NOT do this week?
Well....Here I am. Monday Morning. Being brutally honest and living to tell about it....
I did NOT watch "More to Love" (and have NOT watched it every week )or considered "TiVo-ing" it if (when) Jeffrey refuses to let me watch it downstairs (I wonder why he doesn't like this show??)
I NEVER burp my baby to the tune of the tomahawk chop
I certainly did NOT spend an unfathomable amount of money on bows for Libbi (even though her hair is falling out by the day!)
I have NEVER uttered the words, "just let her sit in it till she starts to cry..." NO WAY, I always change diapers as soon as possible.
I did NOT make up a song about the "Azalea Ladies" at the nursing home and we do NOT sing it every time we go to visit Grandad (or even mention his name) uh-uh, because that would be inappropriate. (And in case you're wondering, you do NOT sing it to the tune of Beyonce's "single ladies" but replace single with 'zalea....)
Speaking of Azalea Gardens...NO WAY did I pose my innocent little Libbi in front of these Azalea Ladies or in front of the "tropical scenery" in an attempt to make a postcard.
I NEVER EVER load up Libbi (NOT in her pajamas) and myself (also NOT in my pajamas) first thing in the morning (okay....more like 10:00) and go to chick-fil-a for a biscuit. And I do NOT use the excuse of "dropping off/picking up the dry-cleaning" while doing this (I can't help it if our cleaners are located RIGHT BESIDE the chick-fil-a)
I absolutely do NOT watch "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" while holding Libbi (or while she's in her swing NOT watching it either). And I do NOT pray that her first word will NOT be "NeNe" or that she will NOT start calling Jeffrey "Big Poppa."
Finally, When we went to Longhorn's Friday night (with Libbi), I did NOT argue with Jeffrey that I did, in fact, love the new parmesan crusted chicken that is now on the menu. He did NOT try to convince me not to order it, and I did NOT spitefully order it anyway just to prove him wrong. We did NOT (shortly after ordering) have to request our dinner "to-go" because we had a screaming baby that was surely NOT disturbing the entire restaurant. And then, NO WAY did I come home, take one bite of that delicious meal, and then proceed to THROW THE ENTIRE THING AWAY (only after Jeffrey went upstairs) because, come to find out, I really didn't like it.....nope, not me!
"Jealous" is not a good color on you...
"Hi, Mom! I'm having a great time!!"
"All the 'Zalea Ladies (all the 'zalea ladies) All the 'Zalea Ladies (all the 'zalea ladies) Now put your hands up!"
Happy Monday!! =)