Although we had a really productive week, there were still a few things that I did NOT do....read below and feel free to confess your own list of "Not Me's" -
I did NOT mark on my calendar the Customer Appreciation Day at Chick-Fil-A because they were giving away free biscuits. I did NOT get up early and go to this Chick-Fil-A and proudly request my FREE biscuit...only to be told I was at the wrong Chick-Fil-A. Go figure. This particular Chick-Fil-A was NOT giving away anything, although they did appreciate the $8.80 that I spent out of sheer embarrassment.
I absolutely did NOT slam the door in the face of our exterminator while he was awaiting payment. I did NOT do this because a creepy looking cat was lurking around my front porch and staring at me with his weird eyes....I swear he was about to pounce. After slamming the door, I did NOT proceed to open up the blinds and yell through the window for the exterminator to "just kick that cat!" He did NOT yell back and ask me if I was afraid and I surely did NOT reply, "No...just really allergic." Little white lies never hurt anyone, right???
My sweet Libbi NEVER sits around the house in only her diaper. NO WAY....we have a closet full of adorable outfits and precious accessories...why would I NOT make good use of them?!
My darling husband did NOT refer to our sweet Libbi's cute little monogrammed burp cloth as a "spit mat."
Speaking of my husband, he also did NOT throw a dirty sock on our daughter while she was sitting in her bouncy seat and tell her to "smell it." I did NOT freak out about this one bit. Two days later, that same sock was still NOT sitting on the floor of our den and I positively did NOT use it to wipe spit up off our sweet girl....no way, not when I have plenty of "spit mats" lying around.
My husband did NOT leave two pans of cinnamon rolls in the oven because he "did NOT see them." I did NOT laugh about this and then proceed to eat the cinnamon rolls from the one pan that was actually brought out of the oven....
I do NOT pray every day that I will either win the lottery (even though we do not play...seriously!)or find some way to make money while at home with my baby so I do NOT have to go back to work.....so if you know of anything or if you have hit the jackpot - please share! ha! =)
I NEVER go a day without showering or getting ready. I NEVER go out in public like this either. And, I did NOT already start teaching Libbi the joys of staying in your pj's all day long. Nope, not me, because we are always productive around here!
Libbi is NOT smiling because it's 3pm and she's still in her pajamas....
Finally, I do NOT spend hours reading through my cookbooks, scouring for the perfect recipe, making lists of all the ingredients that I will pick up from the store, and then just throw a frozen lasagna in the oven for dinner. Nuh-uh - definitely NOT me... I always make a homemade(and of course, nutritious) dinner!
Happy Monday!!

I did NOT mark on my calendar the Customer Appreciation Day at Chick-Fil-A because they were giving away free biscuits. I did NOT get up early and go to this Chick-Fil-A and proudly request my FREE biscuit...only to be told I was at the wrong Chick-Fil-A. Go figure. This particular Chick-Fil-A was NOT giving away anything, although they did appreciate the $8.80 that I spent out of sheer embarrassment.
I absolutely did NOT slam the door in the face of our exterminator while he was awaiting payment. I did NOT do this because a creepy looking cat was lurking around my front porch and staring at me with his weird eyes....I swear he was about to pounce. After slamming the door, I did NOT proceed to open up the blinds and yell through the window for the exterminator to "just kick that cat!" He did NOT yell back and ask me if I was afraid and I surely did NOT reply, "No...just really allergic." Little white lies never hurt anyone, right???
My sweet Libbi NEVER sits around the house in only her diaper. NO WAY....we have a closet full of adorable outfits and precious accessories...why would I NOT make good use of them?!
My darling husband did NOT refer to our sweet Libbi's cute little monogrammed burp cloth as a "spit mat."
Speaking of my husband, he also did NOT throw a dirty sock on our daughter while she was sitting in her bouncy seat and tell her to "smell it." I did NOT freak out about this one bit. Two days later, that same sock was still NOT sitting on the floor of our den and I positively did NOT use it to wipe spit up off our sweet girl....no way, not when I have plenty of "spit mats" lying around.
My husband did NOT leave two pans of cinnamon rolls in the oven because he "did NOT see them." I did NOT laugh about this and then proceed to eat the cinnamon rolls from the one pan that was actually brought out of the oven....
I do NOT pray every day that I will either win the lottery (even though we do not play...seriously!)or find some way to make money while at home with my baby so I do NOT have to go back to work.....so if you know of anything or if you have hit the jackpot - please share! ha! =)
I NEVER go a day without showering or getting ready. I NEVER go out in public like this either. And, I did NOT already start teaching Libbi the joys of staying in your pj's all day long. Nope, not me, because we are always productive around here!
Libbi is NOT smiling because it's 3pm and she's still in her pajamas....
Finally, I do NOT spend hours reading through my cookbooks, scouring for the perfect recipe, making lists of all the ingredients that I will pick up from the store, and then just throw a frozen lasagna in the oven for dinner. Nuh-uh - definitely NOT me... I always make a homemade(and of course, nutritious) dinner!
Happy Monday!!