Sunday, May 24, 2009

My 101 in 1001

My newest goal is to complete this list of 101 things in the next 1001 days. That gives me about 2.75 years…..which sounds like a lot of time, but we all know how life happens and time quickly slips away. I figure by making this list I can be held accountable for many of the things that I would like to accomplish. I cannot take credit for this idea – it came from and I have seen it on other blogs, too.

In case you were wondering I am beginning “Day 1” on Wednesday, September 9, 2009 (09/09/09….I figured maybe it’s a lucky day – ha!) so “Day 1001” (when my list should be complete) will be Wednesday, June 6, 2012. I will update each item as I am working on it or complete it…..

Here we go….

My 101 in 1001:

 For Me:
1. Try a new recipe once a month
2. Get my hair done at least every 8-10 weeks
3. Transfer my passport to my married name
4. Take a sewing class
5. Get a facial
6. Clean out my closet and keep it organized
7. Make plans with girlfriends at least once a month
8. Buy an embroidery machine
9. Go to an Antique Store and buy something
10. Paint pottery at one of the pottery shops near our house
11. Go to the FREE class to learn how to properly use my camera
12. Get a pedicure once a month
13. Get a massage
14. Organize all the pictures/files on our computer and make “back-up” disks
15. Quit my job to stay home with Libbi (Lord willing…)
16. Buy a new car (hey….I’ve got almost 3 years!)
17. Subscribe to a magazine
18. Submit an article/short story to a publisher
19. Print the pictures I take instead of just leaving them on the computer/camera
20. Go skiing
21. Make plates to use at Christmas each year
22. Have a professional family portrait made once a year (0/1..but not for lack of trying!)

For My Mind:
23. Develop photography skills
24. Read 10 nonfiction books that can teach me something new
25. Watch a documentary
26. Keep my teaching certification current even if I am not teaching
27. Visit a museum
28. Stay up to date on current issues
29. Write a children’s book
30. Buy the People Crossword Puzzle Book and try to complete one a week….those celebrity crosswords can be very challenging!  I got this as a gift! - thx Jeffrey ;0)

For My Soul:
31. Make attending church a priority and go every Sunday possible
32. Join a small group
33. Transfer my church membership
34. Have a quiet time daily
35. Decorate for Christmas the week of Thanksgiving (at the latest!) every year
36. Find a ministry to serve in
37. Visit my MawMaw and Grandad regularly
38. Go shopping/browsing with my mom at least once a month
39. Try to find at least one positive in every situation
40. Take a family vacation
41. Have a dinner party
42. Tithe every month, no excuses!

For Others:
43. Send out Christmas Cards (on time) every year
44. Send birthday cards to friends/family (on time)
45. Host a shower/party/get together at our home at least 4 times
46. Pay for the person behind me in the drive-thru 5 times
47. Make a meal for a family that has had a loss/sickness/new baby
48. Give meaningful and thoughtful gifts, not just gift cards or other items that I pick up at the last minute
49. Bake homemade goodies for the neighbors and those that help us (postman, garbage men, landscapers, etc) at Christmastime
50. Pray specifically for the children in my class every day
51. Memorize one new Bible verse every week

For My Marriage:
52. Go on a planned date once a month
53. Pray together (and not just before meals)
54. Pray for my marriage and for Jeffrey every day
55. Join a small group together and find a way to get involved in church together
56. Plan a celebration or something special for Jeffrey’s 30th birthday
57. Go away for a weekend together
58. Compliment Jeffrey and encourage him more
59. Take a picture of the two of us together at least once a month (without immediately deleting it)
60. Spend an hour of quality time together each night.
61. Eat 3 meals a week at the kitchen table (instead of in front of the TV)
62. Stay in a bed and breakfast
63. Leave a “lunchbox note” in Jeffrey’s lunch each day I make it for him.
64. Take a trip for our anniversary
65. Stop complaining about Jeffrey playing golf so much (although this is NOT a free pass to play as much as you want now….)

For My Child:
66. Pray for her every day and for her future spouse (pray aloud for her at least once a day while I am nursing her)
67. Pick out a Bible Verse to claim for her
68. Have her dedicated at church
69. Read to her every day
70. Take her to a pumpkin patch each year and to visit Santa and the Easter Bunny
71. Have Libbi’s name or monogram put on everything I possibly can – ha! =)
72. Plan a huge bash for her first birthday
73. Buy her a little Bible and have her name put on it
74. Make her at least one outfit
75. Learn how to make hairbows for her
76. Take her to church on Sundays and leave her in the nursery/childcare
77. Have her picture professionally made at birth, 6 months, and 1 year ( and then at least once a year after that)

For My Health:
78. Exercise at least 3 times a week
79. Reach my pre-pregnancy weight or at least in the ballpark
80. Drink 6 glasses of water a day and only one can of Dr. Pepper/caffeine
81. Take my vitamins every day
82. Visit the dentist every 6 months even though it makes me want to vomit
83. Carry one of those hand sanitizer things on my keychain so I can “clean” my hands when out and about - ha! ;)
84. Eat more fruits and vegetables

For My Wallet:
85. Start using coupons…the right way!
86. Pay off all debt
87. Save at least 6 months income
88. Set up our budget and work/learn to live on one income
89. Find a project/opportunity that I can do from home to make a little extra money
90. Plan a menu each week so we will not eat out as much and so I won’t have to run to the store for the items I forget…

For My Home:
91. Paint the kitchen, dining room, and living room
92. Clean the bathrooms every weekend (even though I HATE to do this)
93. Put away all the laundry after folding it instead of leaving it in baskets or in piles on the floor
94. Buy some ridiculously expensive high thread count sheets for our bed
95. Buy at least 1 small item to add to our décor a month
96. Make the bed every day that I am the “last one out” of it
97. Hang all the pictures that are currently still propped up against the walls
98. Buy a rug for our dining room
99. Find stockings that I like and have them monogrammed in time for Christmas
100. “Baby-Proof” everything in our home

101. Commit to completing this list in 1001 days!

I will be updating this list periodically so check back often to see how I’m doing and to help keep me accountable!

Normal – haven’t started
Strike through – completed
Italics – started/in progress
Colored – not gonna happen