That's right....
this girl is a rollin' fool.
Did I mention she rolls best when naked unrestrained?!
Yep. A diaper clad rolling wonder is she.
Everything suddenly "clicked" and now every time I lie her down on her back...lo and behold....two seconds later she's on her tummy. every. single. time.
Oh yeah, did I mention that she's not quite as skilled at rolling back over?
Not so much....
so she rolls to her tummy, grunts like a mad pig until she can get her arm out from underneath her, looks around to make sure someone notices she is now on her tummy, kicks around for about 2 minutes, then screams until we flip her onto her back again.
Then repeats steps 1 - 5.
and again....
and again!
What's next for this growing girl? possibly some clothes....or at the very least a supportive undergarment?! ha ha ha;0)
We are so proud of you our Rolly Girl!