Things are starting to look up around here....
Libs is starting to feel better....thank goodness! Her fever broke yesterday morning and she has been fever free for 24+ hours. She still has a nasty cough and quite a bit of congestion, but we can tell that she is starting to feel more like herself! (On a side note....let me just add that the FIRST thing the doctor said when we went yesterday was, "Well....I can see that her appetite has NOT been effected!" I have no earthly idea why she would suggest this....I mean it's not like Libbi has gained almost 2 POUNDS since we were at the dr. for her 4 month check-up less than two weeks ago!!!)
Despite my best efforts, she is trying her best to become one of those kids that either has a constant runny nose or a bit of dried "leftovers" from said runny nose...ugh....not if I can help it. Just call me the "Nasal Nazi." I take great pride in my ability to clear out those passages with just the tiny squeeze and release of my "weapon."

I am quite skilled in the art of "suctioning" and I do believe that I have an incredible talent for hitting my target 99.9% of the time. My record is not perfect (have you ever tried to suction the nose of a squirming, crying, angry 4.5 month old?!...not an easy task) but I do my best.
And my best must be good enough, because look at what a difference a little suctioning, a few doses of Tylenol, and LOTS of TLC can make....
Yesterday my sweet girl was down in the dumps and glazed over, but today she is feeling a little "lighter" and her eyes are definitely more alert.
Last night she was pitiful and her little pout would just break your heart, but tonight she is giving out smiles like they're going out of style!
Thank you for all your prayers and well wishes....we are so glad to have our sweet Libbi feeling like herself again!! We are continuing to pray for a steady downpour of health to head our way!