Today I am participating in Faith's Christmas Card Carousel!
I love. love. love Christmas cards! Going to the mailbox (or driving by and sticking my head/arm out the window to retrieve the mail without ever leaving the comfort of my car...which totally drives Jeffrey crazy) to pick up the mail is my most favorite thing!
I love seeing everyone's pictures and sweet families. Every year I have thought about sending one out, but never got around to it. Honestly, I could never find a picture of Jeffrey and I that I liked enough to have mass copies sent out to everyone and their mother's brother. BUT this year, I have a new subject to photograph!
I had the opposite problem this Christmas....I had TOO MANY pictures that I loved and could not narrow it down! Of course, I think every picture of my sweet girl is absolutely precious and perfect and 100% to die for, BUT....I finally settled on *the one*.
Before it is revealed, (I know the suspense is killing you....) please let me just say....Our Christmas Cards are in the mail, but some of you may not have received it, yet....
so here is my *SPOILER DISCLAIMER* If you want to be surprised, DO NOT scroll down.....
Otherwise, feel free to scroll on down and see our Christmas Card for this year.
Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check out lots more fun cards over at Faith's Blog!