Where to begin?! There were so many "Not-Me!" moments that happened over our wonderful week of Christmas that I just don't even know where to start. But, after careful consideration, this seemed like a good opener:
I did NOT receive this delicious and *highly* addictive 40 oz JUG of cookies from Jeffrey for Christmas. It was NOT one of my favorite Christmas gifts this year.
I did NOT pose Libbi with this jar of sweet goodness just so you could fully appreciate it's glorious size...
Libbi did NOT immediately start crying once she realized these cookies were NOT just for me ;0)
I have NOT single-handedly made a serious "dent" in the amount of cookies in this jar. I will NOT decline to post a picture of this because I am NOT slightly embarrassed by the vast number of cookies I have consumed in a short period of time....
I did NOT purchase a small jar of these cookies for Libbi to eat hold on to on her six-month-birthday. I did NOT use them as a prop for her pictures and then easily polish off the entire jar (remember...it was a SMALL one!) before Jeffrey got home from work. I did NOT receive my King sized jar a mere two days later...
I have NOT been unable to sleep more than 30 minutes at a time, because *someone* (who shall remain nameless) has NOT suddenly decided to quit sleeping through the night and START screaming instead....
This same someone has NOT worn only pajamas since Christmas Eve...
unless of course she's NOT just hangin' out in her birthday suit...
Finally, I do NOT have to wrap up this post, because my house does NOT look oddly similar to the way it did 3 days ago...
Happy Monday ;0)