Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tour of Homes....

I may be a day late, but....better late than never, right?  Here is the long awaited and much anticipated (ha!) tour of our home...

Our front door

Welcome to our ho ho home....sorry.....I just couldn't resist ;)

This little Santa is hanging on our front door....I will probably move it soon.  It has bells in the beard and every time I open the door, the little bells jingle and it sounds like a dog's collar tapping as it runs....I always thing some stray mutt is about to run into our house.  Like I said, I'll probably move this soon....

This year our Christmas tree is in the foyer.  We have put it in a different location every year...I'm still trying to figure out where I like it best....I use reds, golds, and a few pale green ornaments on my tree. I am always adding to my collection... 

Next year, our tree location and decor will probably change because this wild woman will be much more curious and MOBILE... but for now, I will enjoy my last year of non-shatterproof ornaments! ;0)

This is the arrangement on top of our TV/Entertainment Center....and no, that is not our family in the center picture.  Actually, I have no idea who they are....I am ashamed to admit that it's the picture that came in the frame and I have yet to switch it out....oh well, maybe by next Christmas!

We have little trees in our living room - this one has the "A" monogram and the other has the "J" monogram.  My mom gave us these ornaments the first Christmas we were married.

Our mantle with this precious NEW stocking this year!

These are our stocking holders...so fun.....I love them! 

This is one of my most favorite ornaments, but I usually display it on the mantle so I can always see it!
(Thanks Aunt Ginger!)

The wreath in our kitchen....I got it a store that was going out of business.  I think I paid $25 for it - what a steal!

A plate that is in our kitchen...nothin' like  southern Christmas!

Our Christmas Card holder....usually there is a "T" hanging in this spot (for our last name) but I take it down and replace it with this fun tree at Christmas.  Same for the wreath in our kitchen...there is usually a large picture hanging there, but we replace it with the wreath.  My husband is a real stickler about "holes in the wall"  so I have to get creative!

...and again, I'm "keepin' it real" and letting y'all see the dress that is "drip-drying" on my kitchen chair, the battery for who-knows-what charging on the wall,  AND another picture frame with yet ANOTHER unknown child...

Last year at Christmas, we were about 14 weeks pregnant and really could not fathom what Christmas would be like with a baby. I can tell you, it is better than we could have ever dreamed!

This precious gift is making our Christmas even more memorable this year! 
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed your visit!  Merry Christmas!

Be sure to check out the other homes over at The Nester's Blog!