I am clearly such a neat freak that I would NEVER, ever just toss Libbi's outgrown clothes into a large pile in the guest room. There is no way that I have let this pile of clothes accumulate over the past eight months into a large mountain of precious outfits. It is certainly NOT me that posts a "Do Not Enter" sign on the guest room door when our house is being cleaned. And that is certainly NOT Jeffrey's diploma or our engagement portrait propped up against the wall behind the mountain of clothes...
I do NOT cook supper for Jeffrey and then ask him to bring me home chick-fil-a, because the chicken I cooked just "smells weird." This has NOT happened more than once....
It is NOT my sweet girl that has cut FOUR more teeth since my last "Not Me!" post....that's right, FOUR!! She does NOT have a total of SIX TEETH which she has NOT started biting with...ugh....that's all I'll say about that.
My laptop does NOT have a wonky shift key due to my precious girl. It is NOT because I let her bang on the keys while I was uploading pictures. She did NOT completely pull off the shift key and I did NOT unsuccessfully try to put it back on.
Finally, I am NOT wrapping up this post so I can watch The Bachelor...WITH JEFFREY!
I did NOT talk him into watching it with me last week. I did NOT fall asleep before it ended (don't worry...we TiVo'd it!) and Jeffrey did NOT stay up and watch all of it without me! It is NOT safe to say that he is officially hooked! And he does NOT loathe Vienna Sausage as much as I do!! ha!
Happy Monday!! :0)