We woke up early Easter morning...like 4:30am early. Apparently Libbi didn't get the "we sleep in and relax on vacation" memo...and by "sleeping in" all I'm asking for is a post-sunrise hour. Oh well...I guess she was just too excited to see what the Easter Bunny had brought.
She totally ignored the bunny, chick, book, clothes, ect. and went straight for the food....that's my girl!
She discovered the eggs in the bottom of her basket and was thrilled when she found out there was something in them.
Shaking them was only fun for so long and then she decided that she wanted to break into them.
Bless her heart. She tried
and tried
and tried
but just couldn't crack those eggs!
She even tried cracking them on the coffee table, but was still unsuccessful.
I think she was expecting a reese's egg or maybe even a peep or two....the anticipation was killing her!
And, oh, the disappointment when she discovered it was not a delicious sampling of Easter Candy, but only a a cinnamon apple puff.
She was not a happy chick. :)
We quickly changed our clothes (and her attitude - ha!) and headed out for the big egg hunt on the island.
You'd think that since we had been up for hours and hours we would have no trouble at all getting to the egg hunt on time....
well, you thought wrong. when we arrived this is what we saw:
Poor Libbi was a wreck when she realized that we had missed the egg hunt and she had once again missed out on her opportunity to sample some easter candy.
We tried to take a few pictures, but she was not feeling camera ready.
We loaded back up into the golf cart and headed for the house.
Somebody was really tired and needed a nap!
And despite all our early morning wake-up call, our candy-less eggs, and the missed egg hunt, we can still rejoice in the TRUE meaning of the Easter Holiday. As much as I love easter candy, smocked dresses, and adorable pictures with the Easter Bunny, I want Libbi to know that these things are not what Easter is all about. We are blessed to have a risen Savior and that is reason enough to celebrate!!!
Happy Easter :0)
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
1 Peter 1:3
And keeping in the "Mommy and Me" Monday spirit...here is one more picture of me and my sweet girl together (four in one post - this HAS to be some kind of record!!)