When selling shirts for CHILDREN that have the alphabet featured on them....please remember that our alphabet contains 26 letters; not 25. I know that L-M-N-O-P is often mistaken for a single letter by small children ("ella-meno-pee") but I would expect you to know the difference! And when a concerned citizen calls your home office to report said findings, please, please, please act like you care! Of course I am going to RETURN the shirt, but I cannot believe that you will continue SELLING it even though it bears what you refer to as "a manufacturer's error." Oh Target, you have treated me well over the years and even though I love your dollar section and all of your cute clothes, I will now be forced to check for equality amongst the letters (or at the very least the IQ of the songbird) before I make any further purchases.
Oh nO yOu didn't!