August 1st topic of the day: FAVORITE SONG
I honestly have no idea. I love a lot of praise and worship music, pretty much every Christmas song ever, and of course many, many old hymns. If I had to name a few of my favorite hymns I would probably choose "The Old Rugged Cross," "How Great Thou Art" and "This is My Father's World" - but there are oh so many more!
And now, a little confession: My name is Amy and I love "radio rap." I know, it seems almost blasphemous to talk about rap music and hymns in the same paragraph, BUT in my measly defense it is RADIO rap (meaning totally and completely censored - ha!) In my naivety I originally had no idea that rap music was so censored when played on the radio.....imagine my surprise when I downloaded a song off iTunes - I was mortified! I don't really have a favorite (although I do have a soft spot for Kanye West - I'm so ashamed) but I have been cutting back on my radio rap playlist since Libbi is now along for the ride. We pretty much stick to Praise Baby :)
August 2nd Topic of the Day: FAVORITE MOVIE
Another confession: I don't really care for movies. I couldn't tell you the last one I watched. I just have never really been much of a movie buff. I have a handful of movies that I really like and I will usually just watch them over and over instead of ever seeing new ones. I'll see previews for movies and say, "ooooh, I want to see that" but when it comes down to it, I may want to see it, but I definitely don't want to pay $12 to see it. And by the time is comes out on DVD, I've long forgotten about it. If I had to choose a favorite movie, I would probably go with "Notting Hill" - Jeffrey and I used to watch it over and over while we were dating and it always makes me think of him. Plus Hugh Grant is not too bad either. ;0) And "Elf" always, always makes me laugh no matter how many times I've seen it.