We had a busy and blessed Christmas! I think Libbi was bored just hanging out with me today....I'm not quite as interesting an audience as grandparents :)
Here are some highlights from our Christmas weekend:
(let me warn you, there are LOTS of pictures!)
Christmas Eve was a bit different for us this year. It was the first time we didn't go to church. We usually go with my mom and dad, but their church does not have childcare on Christmas Eve....and Libbi + candles = a bad idea.
Last year she sat with us through the service and either sat in her carrier or in someone's lap. Somehow I just don't think she would have been happy sitting in anyone's lap this year. And don't even get me started on what would have happened when we had the Lord's Supper. I can only imagine how she would have reacted to the "snack" in church. Instead we went home early and put Libbi to bed. Jeffrey and I had a "we're really parents" moment as we put together her toys downstairs after she'd gone to bed.
The next morning, Libbi woke up to find that Santa had come!
She is a girl after my own heart....she loves books and babies! :)
She was thrilled to find her highchair and crib for her babies....
but, unfortunately, for some unknown reason, they were confiscated shortly after....
After checking out a few more gifts,
we made our way over to Auntie Mannie and Uncle Justin's house for breakfast. Mimzy, Buddy, "Auntie Biotic" and baby Blakeley were all there, too!
Libbi was too busy to care about presents.
She spent most of her time trying to fit in Blakeley's bumbo seat (yes, we did have to assist in prying her thighs out...which is probably why she decided to "sit" on her knees.)
pretending to be "nite-nite"
tyring to tutor Blakeley in the skill of "exer-saucing"
....and quite possibly scarring her for life....

as she climbed on the back of her exersaucer

She did take a small break to talk on her new Elmo phone (thank you Auntie Biotic!)

and to watch Blakeley open up some undies ;)

When we left, we went home to take naps and prepare for round 2!
When Libbi woke up from her nap, NaNa K, Poppa J, and Granny B were arriving with lots more gifts!

Libbi spent the rest of the night hoarding all of her things in her playroom.

Until, again, for some unknown reason, some of those gifts were confiscated, too.
(Just call us "Mrs. Grinch" and "Mr. Scrooge") ;0)

All the confiscated gifts waiting to be reinstated....

But, in my defense....here is one of the reasons why these gifts were put on probation....
somebody busted her lip while climbing!

We had an exciting night as we enjoyed our first white Christmas....EVER!
I think I heard somewhere that there had not been a White Christmas in Georgia since 1882! Libbi was not as impressed.....

The rest of our night was spent dining on gourmet meals (thank you Mimzy and Buddy for the kitchen!!) and enjoying all of the Christmas aftermath.

Finally, I don't know about you, but I am choosing to live by this quote for the next few days....
"One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas Day. Don't clean it up too quickly."
~Andy Rooney