I cannot believe that it is a new year already! I definitely think time passes more quickly when you have a child. I am shocked at what a "baby" Libbi looks like in pictures from just months ago!
2010 was a year of changes for our family and I think for me personally, it was a year of finding balance in my life....and realizing that I still have a lot to learn! Thankfully, I am surrounded by people that have been gracious in understanding there is a learning curve that comes with those changes in life. Going from two incomes to one, parenting a toddler, expanding our family, and growing our marriage have all been part of the ebb and flow of our lives this past year.
If you're feeling brave, here's a recap of our 2010 (it could be kinda lengthy!) ;)
If you're feeling brave, here's a recap of our 2010 (it could be kinda lengthy!) ;)
January - This was a hard month for me. I was so sad about going back to work after the holidays since I had gotten used to spending so much time with Libbi (and Jeffrey!) ;) We had a snow day (aka an "ice day") so I had an extra day with Libbi which was a nice treat! We finally moved Libbi to her crib for good (even though I said she would be in our room for 6 weeks max!) and it was a much easier transition for her than me. I had the Dad's Day Disco at school. Jeffrey and I went out on a fun date night to go bowling. Libbi became a pro at sitting up (and really embraced all her rolls) and she cut another tooth (for a total of four). We took Libbi to her first basketball game (where she sported her first cheerleading uniform).
February - We started off with a bang! Justin and Mandie had their big reveal to let us know if Libbi's first cousin would be a boy or a girl. Libbi cheated just a little bit with her prediction. :) We celebrated Valentine's Day with our little sweetie and enjoyed a REAL snow day off from school. Libbi was not too fond of her first experience with snow... Libbi cut two more teeth for a total of SIX! I also videotaped Libbi with her first real fit of giggles :)
Jeffrey and I had another great date night and Libbi began officially "scooting."
March - Libbi got her first "boo-boo" at school. We celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday by dressing up as Horton from Horton Hears a Who. Libbi stole from a church we were visiting - ha! Libbi got sick and Jeffrey stayed home with her (since I had already missed 60 days of school - oops!) Libbi started crawling and tried puffs for the first time. We celebrated Jeffrey's 30th birthday. Libbi and I had our school pictures made together. And, Libbi went through a phase of falling asleep anywhere and everywhere :)
April - This was a fun month! We had a week off school for Spring Break and Jeffrey took the week off of work to spend it with us. We went to Fripp Island and celebrated Libbi's first Easter while we were there. We had a wonderful relaxing week on our family vacation and learned that even though Libbi looked presh in her bikini, she wasn't really a fan of the sand and sun. Libbi watched the Master's with her daddy and cheered when their favorite golfer, Phil Mickelson, won! She started pulling up on EVERYTHING and we quickly realized how important baby-proofing is. We celebrated the pending arrival of cousin Blakeley at Mandie's baby shower and Libbi had her first taste of spaghetti. We celebrated my brother Justin's 30th birthday and Jeffrey and I went on another fun date. I signed up for Boot Camp (it's okay if you laugh...). I also officially resigned from my job for the following school year.
She also began giving out her "stink face" and learned the joys of playing chase with her Daddy. We celebrated my first official Mother's Day. Libbi discovered her love of cookies and began perfecting her facial expressions. Jeffrey's tennis team played in the championships, but we were late getting there because Libbi had her first stomach bug (we didn't know this at the time...) We saw my dad off to Indonesia on a mission trip. My kindergarten class threw me a "going away" party and Libbi and I had our last day of school. It was definitely a bittersweet moment as we celebrated the last day of school with an "Independence Day Celebration." We spent Memorial Day at the Lake but came home early due to bad weather.

June - An important month as we prepared to celebrate Libbi's first birthday, but first we celebrated the arrival of our niece Blakeley Grace!! Lovey went missing after Libbi dropped her at the mall. :( We invested in Baby Gates, Libbi finally mastered the sippy cup, and we went to a birthday party for precious Joey. Libbi had her first taste of an Oreo and she learned to climb into her rocking chair all by herself. We celebrated Jeffrey's first Father's Day (but he had to share it with my birthday). Jeffrey and Libbi went to "Daddy Daughter Date Night" at Chick-fil-A. Libbi's first birthday party was the event of the month and we followed up by celebrating as a family on her actual birthday, June 22nd. Libbi had her 12 month check-up and it brought back many childhood memories....

July - The love affair with climbing begins....and we had no idea what was to come.Lovey was "returned" and we welcomed her home with open arms! We celebrated the 4th of July as a family and had a great time dropping off our donations to the Ronald McDonald House. We went to "Cow Appreciation Day" at Chick-fil-A and had a fun swimming playdate with some friends. We welcomed Baby Aiden into the world and got in lots of visits with cousin Blakeley. We took a vacation with Jeffrey's family and spent four days at the beach. It was a new experience going on vacation with a toddler! :) Libbi continued to show off her acting skills and enjoyed lounging around the house.

August - School started without me for the first time in 21 years. I finally understood what people were talking about when they said their child was "active." Libbi had her first haircut and we celebrated Mal-Mal's graduation from college. We celebrated Grey's first birthday and caught up with old friends. Libbi had her first taste of a milkshake. We had a playdate with Sophie and another with Blakeley at the mall. Libbi officially weaned from nursing after almost 14 months.

September - We celebrated sweet Phoebe's birthday. Spent lots of time at the park, town center and farmer's market as a family. We had high hopes for GA football....that were quickly shot down. Libbi practiced her dancing skills. We FINALLY got involved in a church that we love (Amen!) Libbi decided that she really did like Blakeley :) We found out that we were expecting another baby!! Jeffrey took the day off work and we took Libbi to Monkey Joe's. Jeffrey ran in a 5k, and Libbi blew chunks all over her carseat (ugh). Libbi had her 15 month well visit and everything was great!

October - Jeffrey and I went on a date night and Libbi got her beloved Elmo slippers. We continued with out Saturday morning visits to the Farmer's Market and even when to a music festival and "A Taste of Suwanee." We visited the pumpkin patch with Uncle Justin, Auntie Mandie, and Blakeley. Libbi learned to "jump" and make her mad face. Jeffrey and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. We went to a neighborhood Halloween party and the Fall Festival at my parent's church. Libbi "trick-or-treated" as a cute little piggie. We had our second ultra-sound of Baby Tippins and told our families we were expecting.
November - Libbi got sick during the night (ugh!) and we spent some time at home until she recuperated. Libbi started climbing even more and using her toys in very creative ways. I had some interesting conversations with my sister. We celebrated Thanksgiving with our family and shared the exciting news of our newest blessing with all of our friends. Mom, Libbi and I went shopping on Black Friday and we began preparing for Christmas!

December - Libbi started the month out with the croup...yuck! We decorated our house for Christmas. We visited Santa and took Libbi to ride the Pink Pig. We celebrated Christmas at MawMaw's and enjoyed the "White Elephant" game. I had my 20 week ultrasound and didn't find out the gender of the baby even though I was reallllllly tempted to. We turned our dining room into a playroom. We celebrated Christmas with my family, Jeffrey's family, and our own little family. We had our first ever White Christmas! Jeffrey and I went out on New Year's eve to our favorite restaurant and to see a movie. We took down all the Christmas decorations :( Libbi turned 18 months old and we said, "good-bye" to her paci!

As you can see, this was a busy and exciting year for our family! I pray that 2011 will bring us many more memories and blessings! It will definitely be a year of change and transition for us as we add another baby to our family. In church this morning, we were given a word for the year: Gumption. Gumption is the character to commit and complete. My prayer for 2011 is that God will grant me gumption to commit my life, my marriage, my family, my relationships, and my finances to Him and to follow through (complete) what He is calling me to do in each of those areas.
I pray that you will have a Happy and Blessed 2011!!
"You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance." ~Psalm 65:11

As you can see, this was a busy and exciting year for our family! I pray that 2011 will bring us many more memories and blessings! It will definitely be a year of change and transition for us as we add another baby to our family. In church this morning, we were given a word for the year: Gumption. Gumption is the character to commit and complete. My prayer for 2011 is that God will grant me gumption to commit my life, my marriage, my family, my relationships, and my finances to Him and to follow through (complete) what He is calling me to do in each of those areas.
I pray that you will have a Happy and Blessed 2011!!
"You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance." ~Psalm 65:11