Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 20 weeks (as of 12/31...this post is a little late)
Size of baby: according to, Baby Tippins weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He/She is also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana

Total Weight Gain/Loss: None. (I know, I'm just as shocked as you are!) As long as this number does not increase by double digits, I will continue to post it. ;)
Maternity Clothes: I wear maternity jeans and pants but everything else is regular...I tend to wear more maternity clothes, just because they're more comfortable.
Gender: Only the good Lord knows....
Movement: I've been feeling the baby move especially in the early morning and late at night. It's starting to be more definite kicks and not just "flutters."
Sleep: non-exsistent. I had horrible insomnia when I was pregnant with Libbi, and it looks like the trend is continuing (BOO!) When I do sleep, I have craaaaaazy dreams. I keep meaning to write them down so I can remember some of them. I usually just tell Jeffrey when I wake up and I know that he thinks I have lost my mind. :)
What I miss: Sleeping through the night, caffeine, and clear skin...just being honest here. :)
Cravings: goldfish crackers. I keep them on my nightstand and usually have a snack of goldfish around 2am every morning. I've also loved anything that's cold....fruit, lettuce, ice cream, milkshakes (which is why the no weight gain is so shocking!)
Symptoms: Mostly tiredness, a few food aversions.
Best Moment this week: I have two top moments this week:
1. I went for the anatomy scan on Wednesday and Baby Tippins looked perfect! I still get a little nervous every time until I hear that all looks good. I also stayed strong and didn't find out the gender (Even though I really, really wanted to!)
2. Jeffrey felt the baby move for the first time as we were lying in bed on New Year's Eve (at 8:45pm - haha!)
And, believe it or not, I'm including a picture! This may be one of the last pregnancy pictures I post.....we'll just have to wait and see. I have a feeling that it won't be too much longer before my face is more pregnant than my belly - ha!

And, believe it or not, I'm including a picture! This may be one of the last pregnancy pictures I post.....we'll just have to wait and see. I have a feeling that it won't be too much longer before my face is more pregnant than my belly - ha!