some random thoughts/pictures on this rainy thursday.....
(and please forgive the picture quality....most of them are from my phone)
*jeffrey told me that yesterday's post was probably "one of the stupidest" ever (as he was reading it and laughing) - hahaha..... he loves it and he knows it ;) i'm sure it is saved under his "favorites" and our "save the date" is probably his new screensaveer....
*yesterday, my niece blakeley spent the day with us. i was a little nervous how libbi would react - because we all know she has had her fair share of "i'm-the-only-baby-itis".... but i am SO proud to say that she was as sweet as pie with baby blakeley. she was all about giving "ba-bee" food, changing her diaper, and playing with her. of course she had her moments when she decided she actually did NOT want to share, but for the most part she was a doting older cousin. it made this momma's heart happy to see how sweet she was! she even tried to kiss blakeley many times and thoroughly enjoyed covering her in stickers ;)

*it is totally crazy to me that people actually have children that close in age. blakeley and libbi are almost a year apart (libbi 6/22/09 and blakeley 6/16/10) so technically, i could have two children those ages and be pregnant again. i told my mom i felt like mrs. duggar yesterday!

*as much fun as we had yesterday, it did make me a little nervous about having two kids. i forget how much of blessing it is that i can do laundry, cook, clean, or even nap while libbi is napping in the afternoons. as i learned yesterday, just because one baby is napping does not mean the other will be, too. with two babies, there is no guarantee that there will be a break. oh well, sleep is overrated, right?! ;)

* on tuesday, libbi and i went to the mall. it was such a fun day! she was so sweet all day and talked to EVERYONE! we had a little lunch date at chick-fil-a in the food court and i let her sit in the booth with me instead of keeping her in her stroller. she was such a big girl! :(
*lately she has been obsessed with horses. we watch the horse episode of elmo's world at least five times a day. she loves to watch the carousel at the mall and so on tuesday i let her ride it for the first time. the mall was basically deserted so she and i were the only ones on the carousel. i stood next to her while she sat on one of the horse's. she was pretty stoic the entire time....i had flashbacks of her pink pig ride.....but she seemed to enjoy it! i asked her if she wanted to get down and she shook her head "no." i asked her if she wanted me to hold her, and again she shook her head "no." finally i asked her if she wanted to stay on the horse and she nodded "yes" so i guess she was enjoying it????
i tried to take her picture, but once the carousel stopped, she was ready to go. plus, i felt like barfing from standing on that thing while it went around and around and around.....i was just praying i wouldn't pass out.

(this was the best pic i could get....)
*while we were at the mall, i saw this sign.....can you find the error? ;)
*libbi and jeffrey have a date this weekend. i have to admit, i'm a little jealous. :)
they are going to "daddy daughter date-night" at chick-fil-a.....but i actually have a little date of my own planned.....with my people magazine that i have been saving for this very occasion. and, let's be honest....if they bring me home a chocolate milkshake, all jealous feelings will be forgotten :0)
*libbi has been quite the bossy little lady these days (i wonder where she gets that from??!?!) she pretty much has an opinion on everything (whether she is asked or not). when i go to get her out of bed in the mornings, she pretends to still be asleep. i ask her if she is ready to get up and she says, "nooooooo" and then proceeds to tell me "book!" i then ask her if she wants momma to go bye-bye and she says, "yes" and i kid you not, she will stay in her bed for another 15-20 minutes just reading books. the only time she wants me is when she needs to switch up her book selection. this morning she had me put bows all in her hair. she was very particular about which ones and where they should go. when we went to target today she yelled (and i mean yelled!) at the cashier when she put the pack of m&m's in the bag after ringing them up. i hope she starts learning to express her opinions in a gentler manner....

*libbi has been very insistent on going up and down the stairs all on her own lately, which actually makes me a little happy. seriously, it is downright exhausting to carry her up the stairs while pregnant. the only drawback is that she likes to lie on her belly and slide down the stairs which makes me a little nervous.....but i just stand in front of her and prepare to catch her if need be.
*and this picture just makes me laugh, because this is totally what libbi looks like after a nap. her hair is going in every direction possible, she's lost her shirt and she just looks like a disheveled hot mess.....and i love it! ;)
*finally, can i just tell y'all how excited i was to get these delivered yesterday????

after using my coupon codes and signing up for amazon mom, i paid a whopping $10.44 for these bad boys. they are normally $48.99 (gag) so that's a savings of $38.55!!!
if that doesn't make you excited, i don't know what will! ;0)
hope y'all had a great thursday!