Saturday, March 5, 2011

libbi lately....

Libbi has been growing and changing SO much lately.  I wanted to write down some of the things that she has been doing for memories sake :)

Libbi still loves sitting in tight spaces and wedging herself into any opening she can find.  I have no idea why this is fun for her, but she has loved being crammed into things for as long as I can remember.  She will seriously sit in a box like it's a la-z-boy.
She is obsessed with putting her shoes on.  She will try her hardest to get her shoes on all by herself.  She's actually pretty close to being able to do it.  Funny enough, the only pair that she can put on all by herself is the pair that has laces.  She can shimmy her toes into it and will walk around and shuffle until her whole foot eventually slides in. Most of the time shoes end up flying everywhere because she chunks them across the room when she gets mad at them for not going on her feet.  She'll wear Jeffrey's shoes, my shoes, any shoes that are out.  
She pretends to burp.  I know, such a lady.  She will say, "excuse me" though so I guess that counts for something.  (it sounds like "moo me" when she says it).  I'm sure if we could quit laughing at her when she does it she would probably stop, but it is really hard not to laugh.  When we were out shopping the other day, I was trying to squeeze the stroller down an aisle and said, "excuse me" to another lady shopping.  Libbi proceeded to pretend to burp and then issue her own "moo me!" She is not very subtle about it either.
We have taught her to cover her mouth when she coughs.  It's so cute.  Of course, she coughs pretty much all the time now because it gets her so much attention (especially when we are out in public).  

She falls down everywhere.  If she is walking, there is a 99.9% chance that she will pretend to trip and fall at least every third step.  She will call out, "uh-oh" and then wait until someone (doesn't matter who) acknowledges that she has fallen down.  When we went to the mall the other day, I let her get out of the stroller and walk.  Big mistake.  She "fell down" at least 500 times.  Mostly she just kind of gently drops down to her knees says, "uh-oh" and then will get back up a few seconds later and keep walking (until she "trips" again).  Unless someone makes a big deal out of it (which is very likely when we're out in public) In that case, her slight fall turns into a full out yard sale.  She will go from her knees, to her stomach, then flop onto her back, all the while calling out "uh-oh!"  You can imagine how much fun we were having at the mall.....I basically felt like an idiot as I stood beside her waiting for her to wrap up her little scene and then we carried on until the next act.
Are you noticing that we have a little drama queen?
I think she is cutting her two year molars.  At least I hope that's why she is drooling buckets and constantly has her fingers (or anything else that may be within reach) in her mouth.  
She has become very particular about what she wears.  She canNOT stand for any of her shirts to have a tag.  It drives her insane and drives me insane because she will scream about it and pull on her shirt until I either cut it out or change her shirt.  Collars are not her favorite things either, but they are doable.  If it has buttons, ribbons, ruffles, or lace, she is adamant about pulling it off.  Sometimes I can distract her, but most of the time I have to make sure there is nothing that she can pull, pick, or pry off of her clothing.  When we go places, I have to finish "dressing" her once we arrive.  If I put her socks and shoes on her and a bow in her hair before we leave the house, there is no doubt that when I open up the back door to get her out of the car they will no longer be on her body (or within sight for that matter).  
wondering why we have to keep her cardigan buttoned????
just look what happens if it's not....

She loves listening to her "elmo songs" in the car.  Although I am not too fond of playing DJ.  Again, Miss Opinionated has a preference for which song she wants to hear and when she wants to hear it.  Once a song on the Sesame Street CD starts playing I either hear a loud "NO! NO! NO!" from the backseat or a "YES! YES!" Lately her #1 request has been the Grover song, "Monster in the Mirror."  There is an episode of Sesame Street where Grover falls out of the sky and calls, "uh-oh!".  Libbi loves it and thinks it's hilarious, and she calls Grover "uh-oh" because of this.  So, when we're in the car, she constantly requests to hear "uh-oh!"  I can't wait until she will keep headphones on ;)
Libbi is working hard on learning her colors..... kind of.  She knows green and blue, but we're still working on recognizing other colors.  She will repeat the words if we say them to her, though - my favorites are "yay-yow" and "pu-pul" ;0)
She points out green and blue things everywhere and she is SO proud of herself. She's a sneaky little thing though, because when we ask her what color m&m she wants, she inevitably says, "greenblue" and expects one of each. ;0)
She absolutely LOVES school.  As soon as we leave the house to go to school, she calls the "bay-bees" and "do-DEE!" (Ms. Dody, her teacher) the entire way there.  She gets so excited to get out of the car in the carpool line that it almost hurts my feelings - ha! :)
Although this is a hard stage that she's in - with the fits and the never-ending opinions and the drama - it is also so much fun!  She makes me laugh every day and I love watching her personality develop. 

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