A quick recap of our Thursday and Friday....
*Libbi woke up yesterday not feeling too great. I was afraid she was coming down with something, but she seemed to snap out of it around lunchtime. My dad called and wanted to stop by to visit, so I thought it would be fun for us to have lunch outside since it was such a pretty day.
*Apparently, Miss Opinionated did not think eating outside was such a good idea. For some reason, Libbi was adamant about eating inside in her chair (of course, this was after I had set up the picnic table and lunches outside....)
*After lunch, I put some bubbles (dishwashing liquid) and water in her water table. I took the legs off the table and put it on the ground thinking she might like to splash around in it. (especially since she had enjoyed the "bubbles" so much at our outing the other day....)
*She was in hog heaven. She splashed and played and mixed and poured. She splashed so much that her dress was soaking wet, so I just took it off of her. She took this as her green-light to go ahead and get in the water table....with her diaper and bloomers still on.
*She kept herself wedged into that table for over an hour.
*Libbi got a new baby doll the other day. It is a little more life-like than some of her other dolls and she has really become attached to it. It is a "bathtime" baby, so she is made to go in the bath and came with her own bath toys/towel/bubbles, etc. You'll notice "baby" making her cameo appearance in many of these pictures....
*She loves this baby and wants to take her everywhere....the only thing is, she refuses to put clothes on her. She came with a little outfit and a diaper, but Libbi does not want her dressed- ever! She constantly says that her baby needs to "tee-tee" so she won't put a diaper on her. Then she says that she needs to see her "button" (belly-button) so no shirt, either. I think she's just living vicariously through her doll. Maybe she figures someone in our house should be able to dress (or not dress) the way they choose.
*We played with the bubbles again this afternoon. This time I put a little less water in the table, and left the legs on. I was hopeful that maybe we wouldn't have as large of a mess...

*It wasn't as messy as yesterday, but still enjoyable for Libbi :)
*My mom came over this afternoon to watch Libbi while I finished cleaning up the Baby's room. We had been using that room as our guest room/storage room/office and it was really out of control. Since it is upstairs, it is just too hard to clean it while Libbi is up there with me - there is way, way, way TOO much for her to get into. Thank goodness my mom was willing to come do "crowd control" so I could finish up my cleaning unassisted.
*I have been doing 40 bags in 40 days....and have been trying so hard to purge our house of all the things that we don't want/need/use/like, etc, etc. It is completely exhausting, but it makes me feel so much better to get rid of things that are basically just taking up space.
*I cleaned out some of Jeffrey's old junk drawers and I have been BEGGING him to let me post a few things I found. He is "Mr. Private" and doesn't like me to talk about him on the blog, but a few of these things are just priceless treasures, so I'm hoping he'll cave just this once and let me write about them. :)
*We got the guest-office-storage-hoarding room cleaned out, so now it is all ready for BABY!! I know we're not going to be doing much decorating to the nursery before the Baby is here since I do NOT want to do a gender neutral nursery; however, I feel so much better just knowing that we don't have to worry about moving stuff out of there anymore, we can just start moving stuff in!
*This weekend is supposed to be a gorgeous weekend, so I'm sure we will be spending lots of time outside (and I'm guessing there will be bubbles involved....)
Have a great weekend!!