Libbi Jane, you are 23 months old month shy of turning TWO YEARS OLD!!! Where has the time gone? I now know what it means when people say, "the days are long, but the years are short...." These past 23 months have FLOWN by!
This month you have really started to turn into our big girl - which makes me happy, sad and proud all at the same time. I love seeing you grow and learn and I have been so proud of all the new things you are willing to try, but at the same time, I am sad because it is a reminder that you are not a baby anymore (even though you will always be MY baby!) ;-)
You constantly fill our home with laughter. You make your Daddy and me laugh all.the.time. We go to bed at night and wake up in the morning talking about all the funny things you do and say. You have become quite the chatterbox lately and are repeating everything (and coming up with some of your own words!)
Your new favorite phrase is, "one more" (and you hold your finger up to show the #1). If you eat a cookie, you ask for "one more." If you're watching Mickey Mouse and it ends, you request, "one more!" or if you are playing on the playground, you will always want to slide "one more" time. :)

You say, "I love you, too!" and it just melts our hearts. I guess for so long we would tell you, "I love you" and then ask you to say, "I love you too!" so now even if you say it first, you always say, "I love you too!!!" ;-)

You still love stickers and all things outdoors. You love to play in your water table and you would walk miles around our neighborhood if we would let you.

You have started to develop a little sense of humor and it is funny to see you laugh at yourself. Everyday when I ask you what you want for lunch, you will say "babies!" and then laugh like you think it is hysterical. I tell you that you can't have babies for lunch and ask again what you want. This time you answer, "Blakeley!" and again burst out laughing. We seriously go through this routine ;)
Anytime you hear someone knock on the door (or anything that remotely sounds like it) you yell out, "COME INNNNN!" This is a little tricky whenever we order pizza or have an unexpected visitor as we obviously do not want everyone that knocks on our door to, "come innn!" When we get you up in the mornings or from your nap, we knock on your door and you always yell out, "COME INNNN!" and it makes us laugh every time. Sometimes we can hear you over the monitor knocking on the rails of your bed and yelling out "come innnnn!" and we just have to wonder what kind of visitors you're having in your room. :)
You are so expressive and make the funniest facial expressions. You can always make us laugh by making a silly face.....and you know it, too! Whenever you're about to get into trouble, you will smile really big and say, "Hi Momma!" in the sweetest little voice. (which sometimes keeps you out of trouble and sometimes doesn't - ha!)
You love to point out airplanes and you think Daddy is on every one you see. He does travel on airplanes a good bit, but not that much! :)
Of course with your new found skills and curiosity comes the desire for more independence. I can honestly say that you have definitely become more assertive and opinionated - which is sometimes a good thing and sometimes..... not so much :) The tantrums and fits are in full force some days and other days you are sweet as pie all day long.
Since the addition of your new baby sister, you have been a little more "fragile." With everyday things suddenly becoming very upsetting to you. This has been a challenge, but you are starting to adjust and I know that it will only get better. (Although I am hoping the yelling, "WAKE UP BABY!!!" phase is over soon....) ;-)

On the bright side, since the addition of Laney to our family, you have also been more gentle and loving than I knew possible. A friend told me that when she had her second baby, she saw how the love young siblings have for one another is so genuine.... and I have to agree. You are so excited each morning when you wake up and realize Laney is still here! When you spent the night out at Buddy and Mimzy's the first thing you did when they brought you home was run into the house and yell, "HI LAY-LEE!!" When Laney and I came to your school for your end of the year party, you would play on the playground for a few minutes and then run back to check on Laney. You made sure she was "watching" everything you did. :)
I can't wait for the day when Laney realizes what a great big sister she has!
Libbi Jane, you bring so much joy to our lives and we are grateful every day that you are a part of our family! We love watching you grow and change each and every day and we know that you are truly a blessing from the Lord!