This is was our second weekend as a family of four, but we kind of cheated a bit..... ;) Libbi spent the night with her Buddy and Mimzy on Friday night (thank you mom and dad!!) so we were able to love on Laney and relax just a little. I am so thankful that we have parents that are willing to watch our big girl so we can have some one on one time to love on our baby girl!
Jeffrey brought dinner home with him and we enjoyed a nice relaxing evening at home. I think we were both in the bed and passed out by 9:00 - yes, we are that cool :)
Saturday morning, we stayed in bed until around 11:00. It was nice to just watch TV (no mickey mouse clubhouse) and be lazy. We even ate breakfast in bed! My mom and dad brought Libbi home around lunchtime and she went down for her nap not long after.
When Libbi woke up from her nap, she and Jeffrey had a little Daddy/Daughter Date. It has been SO hot (it was over 90 on Satuday!) so we haven't been outside too much. Since it was later in the evening and hopefully a little cooler, Jeffrey and Libbi went to the park. She LOVES to swing, slide, and feed the ducks at the park.

Laney and I stayed home and had our own girls night in. :) Jeffrey and Libbi played at the park for a while and then he took her to Bruster's for ice cream - she was in hog heaven!!

When they got home, she was completely exhausted. She was practically begging for her pa-pa (paci) and love-love (her lovey) and all she wanted to do was get in the bed. We put her to bed and she was out in no time! She slept all night until around 7:45/8 the next morning! (Maybe they should go to the park more often!) ;-)
When Libbi woke up from her nap, she and Jeffrey had a little Daddy/Daughter Date. It has been SO hot (it was over 90 on Satuday!) so we haven't been outside too much. Since it was later in the evening and hopefully a little cooler, Jeffrey and Libbi went to the park. She LOVES to swing, slide, and feed the ducks at the park.

Laney and I stayed home and had our own girls night in. :) Jeffrey and Libbi played at the park for a while and then he took her to Bruster's for ice cream - she was in hog heaven!!

When they got home, she was completely exhausted. She was practically begging for her pa-pa (paci) and love-love (her lovey) and all she wanted to do was get in the bed. We put her to bed and she was out in no time! She slept all night until around 7:45/8 the next morning! (Maybe they should go to the park more often!) ;-)
Sunday morning, we decided not to go to church since Laney is still so little, but hopefully we'll be back soon - we miss not going! Jeffrey was going to take Libbi, but since she slept a little later, they wouldn't have made it in time.....

Instead, we went to a place called, "Catch Air." I have a couple of friends that have been there and their kids loved it, so we thought we would take Libbi and let her burn off some energy. Again, it is SO hot outside that we wanted to do something indoors. This place had lots of bouncy houses, slides, games, etc. and Libbi LOVED it!!! Bless Jeffrey's heart, when he woke up Sunday morning he said his back hurt from sleeping on it wrong and he also had a headache. Needless to say, "Catch Air" was probably not the best place for him. Little did he know, he would be crawling through tunnels, climbing up ladders, and going down slides....but, he did it all with a smile - what a good daddy! ;-)
When we got home, some sweet friends brought us over a meal (Thank you, Polly!) and then Libbi went down for a nap. I actually got in a nap, too! Once Libbi woke up, we played for a while and then Jeffrey left to go play tennis with a friend. It was the first night I was on my own with both girls. I am proud to say that I did baths, jammies, and supper for both girls without a hitch! Libbi was actually so sweet and very helpful. She "helped" give Laney a bath....I just set up Laney's little infant tub next to Libbi while she was in the bathtub and bathed them both at the same time. Libbi took care of Laney's toes - they were sparkling by the time she was done! :) She helped put some lotion on Laney and zipped up her jammies for her. What a sweet big sister! I fixed Libbi's supper and she ate it at the picnic table in the playroom while I sat in the stadium chair and fed Laney (hey, whatever works - ha!)
Overall, our weekend was relaxing yet busy all at the same time - I kind of think that will become the story of our lives. :) This upcoming week will be my first week with the girls on my own....did I mention Libbi's last day of preschool was last week? Yep - Just in time for Laney's arrival. :) We're going to attempt to make a few outings this week, but nothing too major (mostly just the doctor and the library - ha!) and maybe go to the pool. I'm excited to spend some time with my girls!! Hope y'all had a great weekend!!