it was our first outing as a family of four and Jeffrey's first time maneuvering the double stroller :)

to say libbi enjoyed it, would be an understatement
....and laney was pretty content, too ;-)
the first exhibit we went to....

libbi was pretty impressed

she kept saying, "babies!" (she thought they were baby bears)

it was one of the first times she was actually okay with being held...she normally pitches a first rate temper tantrum if she can't "WALK!!!!!"
libbi's first time seeing kangaroos and posing as one :)

(did I mention it was Jeffrey's first trip to the zoo, too?!?)
libbi had her first (and hopefully only!) "ride" on a Komodo Dragon

nevermind that she kept referring to it as an "alligator" :)

and in case you were wondering, I did take a few pictures of some animals, they just weren't my first priority :)

at the end of our first trip to the zoo, I asked Jeffrey to take a picture of the girls. This series of pictures pretty much sums up our life right now - ha! I am smiling and oblivious, laney is passed out, and libbi is stealing laney's bow while I'm not watching - ha!

Happy June First!!