Laney James, you are two months old today!
You are growing and changing every day, sometimes I wish you would slow down just a little.
You are the cutest two month old I know, weighing in at 13 lbs and 3+ oz. and 23 1/4 inches long. (In case you were wondering, Libbi was the exact same length at two months, but two ounces lighter).

You wear a size one diaper and mostly 3 month clothes. A few of your smaller 6 month onesies fit you. It's fun to dress you in clothes that Libbi wore at the same age and compare pictures of the two of you. (I think you look alike when you're sleeping, but not so much when you are awake.)
You've lost some of your hair, but only in the front - so you sometimes resemble a balding old man more than a two month old little girl.

There are two things that can always make you smile....and, no, it's not your momma and daddy! :) It's ceiling fans (moving or not - doesn't matter) and light fixtures (on or off - doesn't matter). Those two things can always get a smile out of you.
There are two times during the day when you are happiest - early morning and late at night. Unfortunately, the afternoons belong to the dreaded colic. The two of you become quite chummy around 2:30 each day and then part ways somewhere between 7 and 8 at night.
Bless your little heart, you are just not a happy camper during those colicky times, but in the morning and the very early afternoon - you are just as sweet and content as can be.
There are two positions that you prefer to be in....sitting up and on your tummy. You are a pro at keeping that head up and you love to look all around and take everything in.

You love to take baths. This is a good thing, because there are many days that you have two baths a day - you just love soaking in the warm really relaxes you.

The two places you spend most of your time these days are in the swing and on your boppy pillow (that is, if I'm not holding you).
You sleep well at night and wake up no more than two times to nurse. I don't mind that you're not sleeping through the night yet. I kind of enjoy our quiet times together in the middle of the night. Especially since you wake up to eat and typically go right back to sleep. (plus, I am such a night owl that I am usually still up when you wake up for your first feeding).
There are quite a few people that think the two of us look alike. I'm not so sure, but it's still fun to hear (especially since Libbi looked like your Daddy's twin for the the first 8 months of her least he doesn't have two children that look just like him while I have none - ha!) ;-)
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this is me at three's a picture of a picture, so not the best quality, but you get the idea :) |
I can honestly say that there is not a two-year-old on the planet that loves you more than this two-year-old little girl. She is one proud sister!
Your daddy and I love you so much, too! The two of us are thrilled that you are here and healthy....colic and all. :) What a blessing to have two beautiful girls! We love you Laney James and we are so thankful to be your parents!