first off..... i finally got a little makeover for the blog - it was long overdue! i changed up the name a bit so we could include our little laney love and any other future tippins bambinos that may come along :) it is still the same blog address, so hopefully it won't be too confusing that we are now, "total tippins takeover" aka the blog formerly known as, " libbi!" :)
be sure to grab the new button and add our new name to your blogroll! i have to thank leslie for another amazing sure to head over to sweetie baby's custom design blog and check out her work! on to the weekend.....
Friday: Libbi woke up early (she's been an early riser the past couple of weeks - ugh!) so we were up and at 'em by 6:45. We had a lazy morning around the house and I cleaned up in the living room and dusted and vacuumed while Laney napped and Libbi played.

We got ready and went to storytime at the library, which is always an adventure. Libbi loves it, but sometimes she thinks she is running the show.
We typically sing a few songs, read a few books, and then there is always a hands-on activity. It could be anything from bubbles to instruments. This particular day they passed out scarves and the kids danced with them.

When it's over, we usually go into the library and Libbi reads some books and plays on the computers for a little while.
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so excited! |
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laney was excited, too - ha! |
We typically sing a few songs, read a few books, and then there is always a hands-on activity. It could be anything from bubbles to instruments. This particular day they passed out scarves and the kids danced with them.

When it's over, we usually go into the library and Libbi reads some books and plays on the computers for a little while.
After storytime, Jeffrey met us at chick-fil-a for lunch since he only had to work a half-day. Libbi was pretty well behaved and we enjoyed our lunch together.

We had to hurry back home because the plumber was finishing up (we had a busted pipe) and we needed to get home to pay him (fun times!) Libbi napped and Jeffrey and I just hung out and watched tv and loved on Laney. When Libbi woke up, we decided it would be a good idea to go to the mall. Jeffrey got an ipad for father's day and he needed a new case for it. Libbi usually loves the mall ("maaaaw") because she can ride the horses, get a cookie, and pet the dog in old navy - ha! Unfortunately, this was not a successful trip - in any sense of the word. Jeffrey didn't find a case, Libbi freaked out, and Laney cried the whole time.

We had to hurry back home because the plumber was finishing up (we had a busted pipe) and we needed to get home to pay him (fun times!) Libbi napped and Jeffrey and I just hung out and watched tv and loved on Laney. When Libbi woke up, we decided it would be a good idea to go to the mall. Jeffrey got an ipad for father's day and he needed a new case for it. Libbi usually loves the mall ("maaaaw") because she can ride the horses, get a cookie, and pet the dog in old navy - ha! Unfortunately, this was not a successful trip - in any sense of the word. Jeffrey didn't find a case, Libbi freaked out, and Laney cried the whole time.
I'm sure Jeffrey didn't think it was too funny, but i couldn't help but laugh. When he and Libbi rode the carousel, I stayed on the sidelines with laney. Libbi wanted to ride in a carriage seat so she and Jeffrey could sit together. About halfway through the ride, she decided that she wanted to ride a horse. Obviously, she can't get up and walk around while the ride is moving - but you try telling that to a headstrong two year old. Poor Jeffrey's merry-go-round experience wasn't too "merry" ;-)
he was basically wrestling a bear the second half of the ride.

We made a quick exit from the mall and stopped to get dinner on the way home. After dinner, baths, and playtime it was early to bed for everyone!

We made a quick exit from the mall and stopped to get dinner on the way home. After dinner, baths, and playtime it was early to bed for everyone!
Saturday: Jeffrey golfed early saturday morning and of course, Libbi was up at the crack of dawn. We hung around the house for a little while and then headed out to Target. I bought Libbi a puddle jumper for the pool and some leggings that were on sale. We came home and my parents brought over some furniture for Laney's room (which is still a MAJOR work in progress....). Libbi was a great assistant - and Laney mostly supervised. Laney has started smiling a lot and it is so much fun to watch her little face light up. I've been trying to catch a smile on camera, but I'm so busy staring at her and making goofy faces that I forget to take a picture! :)

Libbi went down for a nap right after Jeffrey got home and I showered and got ready since we were going on a date! When Libbi woke up, she was SO excited that Buddy and Mimzy were coming over again! She's so funny, because she will wait by the door and look out the window until she sees them coming and then she ruuuuuuuuuns and hides face down in her chair as soon as they come in the house.

Jeffrey and I went to dinner and a movie. Dinner was sooooooo good! It is so nice to be able to sit and enjoy a meal and not feel like I am having to shovel it in so we can be in and out before Libbi has a meltdown. The movie was..... not so great. I'm embarrassed to even say what we saw - let's just say it is NOT something I would recommend to anyone!

Libbi and Laney had a great time with Buddy and Mimzy and they were both asleep when we got home (the girls, not Buddy and Mimzy).
Thank you, Mom and Dad! :)
Sunday: We made our return to church!! We woke up early (as usual!) and headed out to church for the first time since Laney was born. Libbi went to a new class since she is now a big two year old :(

We kept Laney with us in the overflow service since she's still so young. She slept through most of church (whew!) and Libbi loved her new class (woohoo!) We made a quick stop at the playground on the way out and an even quicker exit since somebody was falling apart at the seams.

We came home and Jeffrey and I made baked ziti for lunch. The girls all took a nap while Jeffrey held down the fort.

We came home and Jeffrey and I made baked ziti for lunch. The girls all took a nap while Jeffrey held down the fort.
When Libbi woke up from her nap, I took her to the pool to try out her new puddle jumper....and it was a success!!

she loved it and was "swimming" all over the place :)

she loved it and was "swimming" all over the place :)
We came home and ate supper and then played until bedtime. Jeffrey has Monday off since it is the fourth, so we're going to have another fun-filled-family day! More than likely we'll be spending it somewhere indoors since it is going to be so HOT!
Hope y'all had a great weekend and have a wonderful 4th of July!! :)

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance.” Psalm 33:12

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance.” Psalm 33:12