first of all, thank you for all your sweet comments and emails yesterday! we are so thankful for friends that pray for us and for our girls. laney will go to the pediatric plastic surgeon on august 29th and we will know more after that appointment. until then, she's just as happy and as sweet as can be! :)
libbi seems to be doing better. we haven't made a big deal about the whole "potty issue" and it seems to be phasing itself out.... we hope! it's nice to know that other people have children who are not always on their best behavior....especially in public places :)
i have been meaning to post pictures of laney's birth announcement for a while now, but i kept forgetting! our sweet photographer, jennie helmuth took these pictures and created the announcement layout for us. we were so pleased with how they turned out! i need to find libbi's so i can post it too (is it sad that i will be posting it for the first time two years after the fact??!?!) ;-) oh well....without further ado..... here is sweet laney!
(the announcement was a folded 5x7 card, so i tried to break it up so you could see each side....)