Libbi has been talking so much lately and she says some of the funniest things.
I wanted to write down a few of them so I wouldn't forget. I realize that these may only be funny to me, and that's okay. I'll continue to think of them and laugh - even if you don't ;-)

She always wants to play games on my phone. She has a habit of just sneaking off with it without asking. One day I said, "Did you ask Momma if you could play with my phone?" And she of course said "no." So I proceeded to explain that she needs to ask to use Momma's phone. And so now every time she wants to play with my phone she says, "Ask Momma's Phone. Ask Momma's Phone Please."
Sometimes she whines (you're shocked, I know) and will act ugly. She was yelling one day that she wanted "WAAAAATER!!!!" I told her I would not get it for her until she asked sweetly, so she yelled, "SWEEEEEEEETLY!" haha.
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she dressed herself in this picture...she's wearing a bathing suit cover up, striped shorts, and shoes that are too small....but she was oh so proud of herself! ;-) |
One day Jeffrey and I were talking and he said something silly (I can't even remember what) and I said, "sick!" Libbi stopped what she was doing, walked over to Jeffrey, and said, "Da-Da...poo-poo." She then proceeded to try to check his pants to see if he had poo-poo'd - haha! I guess I say, "sick" when I change her poopy diapers, and when she heard me say it to Jeffrey she thought she needed to check him for poo-poo.

When we were in Macy's the other day I told her that we were going to stop by the potty before we got on the elevator. She responded, "Yeah....Momma feed Lay-Lay?" Bless her heart. She thinks the only reason we go to the potty in Macy's is so I can stop in and feed Laney. Ya think we've done that a time or two???? ;-)

One day last week I was feeding Laney when the phone rang. I didn't even move, because I knew I couldn't get to it fast enough anyway. Libbi, on the other hand, sprinted towards the receiver and peered down like she was reading the caller ID box. She then yelled out, "So Sorry Da-Da. Momma feed Lay-Lay. No phone." Then she walked over to me and said "Da-Da phone. Call you back." I almost died! I'm realizing more and more that I talk aloud a lot more than I thought during the day. I basically narrate everything - even if I'm just talking to myself. And more often than not, when the phone rings it is Jeffrey and I'll say (aloud) "So sorry Daddy, I'm feeding Laney. I'll have to call you back." I guess Libbi has been paying attention. :)

There have been a *few* times that she's been misbehaving and I've told her that she won't be able to go to Mimzy's house if she is not obeying. For the rest of the day whenever she misbehaves, it doesn't even matter if I'm in the vicinity, I can hear her saying, "yes, mimzy's house! yes, mimzy's house!" so I know that she is obvoiusly into something that she shouldn't be. :)

She loves to read her Bible. She likes to hear about Noah's Ark and the birth of Jesus. Every time she opens up her Bible she says, "Where'd Noah go????" and then flips to that chapter. She goes through the motions of the story and then says, "Where'd Baby Jesus go?" and flips to the story of Jesus's birth.

She says "bess you" whenever someone sneezes. My favorite is when she hears Laney sneeze and she says, "bess you Lay-Lay." One day last week Libbi was reading a book in the playroom and she sneezed. I wasn't really paying attention until I heard her say (loudly) "bess you ME momma! bess you ME!" She then waited patiently until I said, "Bless you, Libbi" ;-)

Finally, one of my favorite things that she says is, "you's" instead of "shoes." She's always asking for "one more you" when she can't find the match or we often hear, "uh-oh you" when one of her shoes falls off. I know that all too soon she'll learn to say "shoes" correctly, so for now we just LOVE hearing her refer to them as "you's."

There is so much more that she says that just cracks me up, but these are just some of my current favorites. I'm sure I will have many, many more to post in the future, too. She's becoming quite the chatterbox! :)