doctor's office edition:
Libbi's first doctor's appointment
Laney's first doctor's appointment
Libbi's first time getting shots
Laney's first time getting shots
Libbi's first time on the "big kid" scale :(
(at her two year appointment....)
Laney's first time in "the boat" (she's even got the pirate look down - "ARR!")
first time taking both girls to the doctor by myself
Libbi's first (and only) time reading in the exam room
first taste of paper from the table
first time taking a "walker" to the doctor's office....which also happened to be the first time I realized how much easier it is when they're immobile :)
Libbi's first time as a "spectator" and not a patient (she even brought her own refreshments - ha!)

Laney's first time realizing sister is getting shots, but she's not
Libbi's first time realizing sister is not getting shots, but she is
Libbi's first visit to the treasure box for a job well done....
and her first rate prize.
i betcha didn't know it was her a first glance, did ya??
she may have worn her prize first but she made sure sister had her first chance to go incognito, too..... :)
to see more "Memories of firsts on the first" click HERE
Happy August first!!