Today was a hard day. If I'm being honest, I can (gratefully) say that we really don't have that many "hard" days. Yes, there are plenty of days where Libbi is a total mess and all over the place, but she's two; I kind of expect that. :)
Laney had her shots yesterday and it just threw her for a total loop. She was all out of sorts today. She was pretty much inconsolable and definitely impossible to please. She didn't want to be held, but she didn't want to be put down. She didn't want to nurse, but she cried like she was hungry. She fought sleep, but she was so tired....and on, and on, and on. She basically cried from the moment she woke up until the moment she (finally!) fell asleep this evening.
Bless Libbi's heart, she just took it all in stride. I was so proud of her today! I'll admit that she can be "high maintenance" at times (you're shocked, I know) but today she was all "Miss Independent, Miss Self Sufficient" - Kelly Clarkson style, y'all. ;-)
Granted, she watched a lot of TV and stayed in her jammies, but still. (her bedtime prayers tonight included "little einstein's rocket ship" if that's any indication of our day).
We even missed Bible Study this morning, because I couldn't find five minutes to get dressed. I was really sad about it, but I'm pretty positive Laney wouldn't have lasted in the nursery anyway.
There was one point during the day (okay, several points) when I was extremely glad that there were no hidden cameras in my house. Not only because I hadn't showered and was still in my jammies at 1:00, but because my two year old basically had free reign of our living room while I tried every trick in the book to calm a screaming baby. There was a time when Libbi was lounging on the couch in just a diaper and her pj top eating straight out of a bag of chips. And that was probably a more redeeming moment of our day.
When Jeffrey came home from work, Libbi greeted him in a diaper and a pair of "sparkle" shoes, but she did have a big ole smile on her face, and that has to count for something, right? :)
Now that it's bedtime and everyone is sleeping (thank you, Jesus!) I'm sitting here just feeling so thankful for this day. Yes, it was technically a "bad day", but at the same time it was also such a "good day" for my soul. Even though I am SO tired and completely ready for this day to be o-v-e-r, my heart is full and I am reminded of just how much I have to be thankful for.
I am thankful that Libbi basically entertained herself all day. And I am incredibly thankful that even though I have serious guilt about that, she won't remember it come tomorrow. I am so thankful that I am able to be at home with my babies, and even more so that I get to be home with them when they're not feeling well. I'm thankful that Laney isn't really "sick" she's just recovering from her shots. I'm thankful that my babies are healthy. I'm thankful that Jeffrey came home and offered to take Libbi upstairs with him and hold Laney while I finished up supper. I'm thankful that, even though I wouldn't recommend it, I know that a day of TV, jammies, and crazy meals won't permanently damage a two-year-old, a four-month-old, or even a 29 year old. :)
Mostly, I'm thankful that His mercies are new every morning and that tomorrow is a new day! Thank you Jesus for "do-overs" ;-)

"Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23