Tomorrow morning (Monday) our sweet Laney girl will undergo surgery to have a
cyst on her head removed.
cyst on her head removed.

We would appreciate any prayers on her behalf. She cannot eat or drink before the procedure - which is a little hard to explain to an almost 5month old. :)
We're praying for all of the doctors and nurses that will be taking care of her tomorrow. We're praying for her safety and comfort as she's put to sleep. We're praying for a successful surgery and that the results of the biopsy will show no abnormalities. We're praying for a smooth and painless recovery.
And, we're praying for everyone in the surrounding areas since sister will be accompanying us ;-)
Thank you for praying with us and for us!
Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.”
Mark 11:24