I'm blogging from my phone tonight because I've got a very fussy, sick baby that doesn't want to sleep. So that means I'm on borrowed time and it's just easier to blog from my phone upstairs. Bless Laney's heart, I think it's an ear infection mixed in with a little of what Libbi had/has. While I'm thrilled that big sister can share with baby sister, the sickies are definitely one thing I wish she'd keep to herself. Oh well, guess that's just par for the course. Now, before I'm summoned to the nursery (as I'm sure I will be at any minute!) here's this weeks project 365 post...
project 365: week 3
Sunday, January 15th - Saturday, January 22:
I linked up with Laura from Between the Lines....
click over and check out more project 365's. :)

the winner of the willow house welcome basket is:
Emily from Being Mrs. Gentry
Congratulations Emily!! I'll be emailing you shortly :)
thanks to everyone that entered! If you didn't win, you can still buy one for a great price on Lauren's Willow House site!!