project 365: week 8
As you can see, we had a few things on the calendar for this week:
Sunday, February 19th - Saturday, February 25th:

Laney has had a few rough mornings in the church nursery, but thank goodness for faithful volunteers that love babies! She spent some quality time with her buddy out in the foyer during the service. She's been having some major "stranger danger" lately and will cling to me like a scared little monkey as soon as we start approaching her classroom. I usually have Jeffrey go back and check on her to make sure she's calmed down (or I say I'm going to the bathroom-even though we both know what I'm really going to do- and swing by to check on her myself.) She's usually pretty content and crawling around everywhere. Cheerios always help :)
Jeffrey and I went on a date Sunday night. We enjoyed dinner out and some grocery shopping - woohoo! :) We are so thankful that our parents live close by and we have the luxury of weekly date nights without having to pay a babysitter.

Monday was a busy, busy day for Laney. She spent the majority of the day climbing on and off everything. And pulling up and down on everything else. She finally figured out that Libbi is the messiest eater on the face of the earth, so she constantly follows her around like a little puppy just waiting for the crumbs to fall. Jeffrey took Libbi out to play at the park since it was such a nice day. He also took her by Sonic for her first tater tot experience. It was a big day for her :)

Tuesday was a fairly regular day for us. Libbi went to school and Laney and I ran a few errands and then spent the rest of the morning at home. I made a quick supper of spaghetti and Libbi decided she didn't like noodles....and asked for mac&cheese instead. hmmmm.....go figure. :)
My mom and dad came over to watch the girls while Jeffrey and I went to small group. We LOVE our small group and look forward to it every week!

We met Uncle JJ, Auntie Mannie, and cousin Blakeley at the Game Ranch on Wednesday morning. (for those of you that aren't local it's basically like a large outdoor trail with lots of domesticated animals roaming around and a few in cages, too. You can feed them and interact with them....should you desire to do so). Libbi was basically on high alert the entire time. I'm sure if she could have taken a xanax she probably would have. She was NOT a fan of the wandering animals. The picture above is her reaction to the bunny petting zoo. When one of those sweet, little, fluffy things brushed up against her foot, she basically jumped into Uncle JJ's arms. Poor thing.

Thursday morning while Libbi was at school, we went for Laney's 9 month well visit. She is officially 21lbs and 28 1/2 inches of pure sugar! We love every bit of her!! No shots for lay-lay girl this day, but she did have her toe pricked to draw a little bit of blood. Not surprisingly, she screamed through almost the entire appointment. Again, the stranger danger is in full effect right now. But for some reason, when they pricked her toe, she didn't make a peep. She watched intently and then (As pictured above) spent the remainder of the appointment trying to gnaw that bandaid off her toe.
Thursday night, Laney and I went to a consignment sale while Libbi stayed home with Jeffrey. They went to chick-fil-a and then out for ice cream. Poor Laney just had to hang out with me and a bunch of other crazy momma's searching for some smocked dresses at a good price.

Friday morning we played with Kinley and Baby Annabelle at Kinley's house. Poor Libbi had a little scare when she was surprised by Kinley's cat. It took her a while to recover from that one. Of course, she stuck to me like glue because she was so traumatized and did not want that cat to "get her" (Even though I never even saw the cat...I think it hid under the bed the entire time) but then when we left, she cried in the car because she didn't get to "tell that cat bye!" Oh, Libbi! :)
Friday night was a relaxing night at home. The girls played on the iPad together and we all went to bed early.

Saturday morning, Jeffrey was sweet enough to suggest Libbi and I go out to breakfast since we don't get to spend that much one on one time together. He stayed home with Laney and Libs and I ventured out to our favorite breakfast spot-chickfila! When we got home, Laney went down for a long nap and Jeffrey and Libbi went out to run some errands.
(and i know it's not part of my "365 pictures" but I just had to share this one. Jeffrey and Libbi were supposed to be going to drop off the dry cleaning and to lowe's to pick up some lightbulbs. they had been gone for quite a while, so i called jeffrey. he didn't answer. the next thing i know, i get this picture sent to me. I was very curious to know if it is the dry cleaner's or lowe's that now serves queso???)
Saturday night Jeffrey and I went out for date night and we were all home and in bed by 9:00. That's our kind of Saturday night! :)
To see more of my Project 365 posts, click HERE
Hope everyone had a great weekend! :)