with st. patrick's day right around the corner, i've been humming amy grant's song from way back when :) "...baby we're the lucky ones..." anyone remember that? :)
anyway, i know st. patrick's day isn't really that big of a deal, but we've been making a few green things around the tippins house. we made a fun little treat for libbi's friends at school and i thought i would share.
it's a "leprechaun hat" for st. patrick's day!
here's what you'll need:

The first thing I did was paint each container with the green paint. i chose to sponge paint them. that was the most time consuming part, but it honestly wasn't that bad. I did it during naptime one day and they were dry by that night. I know that I could have spray painted them, but A) I liked the way they looked when i sponge painted them and B) sometimes spray paint carries that "spray paint smell" for a while and I didn't want all the preschoolers suffering from a second hand high on my watch. :)

Once naptime was over, I had to make sure my assistants knew that there was wet paint on the premises. Which basically meant they had to be barricaded in the den, because we all know that a toddler with wet paint is like a moth to a flame.

So we waited....

and waited...

did a few puzzles....

tried a few new tricks....

waited some more....

and then the paint was dry!
After the paint dried, I hole punched a small hole in each lid and hot glued black ribbon around each container.

I filled each container with Rolos (aka "Gold")

I added a back to mine (with Sarah's permission) with a Bible verse on it.

Once the containers were filled and sealed, there was one final step...the gold buckle on the hat. I added the gold square using the glitter paint and voila! a leprechaun's hat! :)

for libbi's teachers, i found these cute buckets in the dollar section at target. i just slapped on some chalkboard paint,

added their names and filled with gold (candy).
(i added in some of the green crinkly paper as filler b/c these buckets were kind of deep)

i put the same printable in each of their buckets and they're ready to go!
we are so lucky and BLESSED to have wonderful friends and teachers in Libbi's life that this is just a small way to say, "thank you."
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also"
Matthew 6:21