(don't forget about the blog sale...there's still a few items left!) ;-)
there's been a few events/adventures that i've meant to post about, but just never had the time to sit down and do it. so in order to preserve those memories, here's a quick recap of some of the fun we've had lately:
first and most importantly... libbi is "officially" potty trained! woohoo!!
we're so proud! waiting until SHE was ready was the best decision i ever made, and it made the transition out of diapers SO easy. we're all so proud of her!! (and she's apparently "SO POUD" of us when we potty, too!) ;-)

now if anyone has any tips for teaching your 2 year old not to comment on the sights and sounds of the public restroom (including but not limited to other "potty-goers") do tell.
while libbi was on spring break a few weeks ago, we made a trip to the zoo. i cannot even describe to you the level of excitement that libbi had about this trip. my "scared to death of anything that moves, breathes, or even blinks" child was beside herself with excitement for the zoo. go figure. we did have MANY (many!) conversations about how all the animals would be "in cages" and "locked up" (sorry PETA)
if you ask her, she'll say her favorite exhibit was the "sakes" (snakes) but i really think she just loved the reptile house because there were plenty of things for her to hang on. which is one of her favorite things to do ("look momma, i hanging!")

and this was her second favorite part.... thank God tickets for 2 and under are free. we got our money's worth, that's for sure. :)

laney was a trooper and was just happy to be there. she slept for the first half and snacked for the second. that's our girl :)

i had a brief moment of "what was i thinking?!" when i remembered that we had brought the girls to the zoo not long after laney was born. i was guessing that laney was around 6-8 wks old. um, no. try barely 2 weeks. what in the world was i thinking bringing my 11 day old baby to the zoo?!?! i guess i was thinking, "we've GOT to get out of this house!" haha! and we all lived to tell about it! oh my soul, how things can change in a year!
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{April 2012} |
one day during spring break, my niece blakeley came over to play. libbi LOVES "bay-kee" and was SO excited for her to come over. and we are SO excited that soon blakeley will have a baby brother or sister that can come over to play, too!!!
the girls had so much fun playing together. it just makes my heart happy to hear them laughing and giggling with each other.
we enjoyed an impromptu egg hunt around the house (with a costume clad libbi).
bike riding in the house
and a little crafting (hey, it's what we do!)
i think that about covers it! (for now). sorry for all the jammed packed posts lately. i'm going to try to do better about posting things in "real time" so i don't have to play catch up weeks later. :)