can someone please explain to me why this precious angel will NOT take a paci?!


she refuses it. every. single. time.

and yet....
she always carries something in her mouth.
seems like it would makes sense to me that she would take to a pacifier.
but she'd prefer a rubber duckie.
she honestly uses this thing like a paci. it's almost comical.
i've considered getting it in the middle of the night when she's inconsolable just to see if it might have the same effect.
can you imagine if i told people we were having to wean her off a rubber duckie?
(and one that's wearing a top hat and reading a mystery novel no less!? i think he's a sherlock holmes impersonator) haha!
oh well, i'm sure she'll move on to bigger and better things soon enough.... like vegetables? ;-)
or stars??
or a zookeeper?? ;-)