**first up...don't forget to enter the ditsy daisy boutique giveaway. it ends tomorrow! click HERE to enter!**
last week i took the girls to INK (interactive neighborhood for kids) for the FIRST time. the local morning show was planning on filming there and they were offering the FIRST 50 people free tickets. so, as an act of love for jeffrey...ha! i emailed and scored us some free tickets. :)
the FIRST time i went to INK, i was teaching kindergarten and on our annual field trip. it was fun...but a different kind of fun than taking your own children. :)
(especially since i had to ride on a big yellow bus, monitor the bathrooms, and deal with a poor five year old with a stomach bug on the way home.)
even though it was not my FIRST trip to INK, i still managed to get us lost. (which should really come as no surprise if you know me at all). for some odd reason, libbi thinks it helpful to start navigating from the back seat. guess what? it's not.
the FIRST stop we made upon entering INK was...where else?...the bathroom! :)
we saw the film crew setting up and realized this could also be our FIRST appearance on live tv. i'm not sure if we made the cut or not, but you better believe i'm praying that any/all of the tantrums/losing my child/any other embarrassing moments were left on the cutting room floor.
libbi had the pleasure of enjoying her FIRST airplane ride. i'm pretty sure she'll be disappointed to find out that "real" planes are not covered in polkadots and she can't sit in the cockpit.

we met our sweet friends brantley and grayson and their momma, amanda at INK. it was laney's FIRST time meeting the girls, but brantley and libbi had met before. their FIRST meeting took place when they were both around 2 months old. wasn't that practically yesterday?! :(

although i'm betting our mom's are thinking the same thing about us, because amanda and i met for the FIRST time in third grade. :-)

the girls enjoyed their FIRST solo boat ride. (sans life jackets...i won't tell if you won't!)

they had a great time visiting the dentist. obviously this was not libbi's FIRST rodeo :)

i did say a silent prayer that this would be the FIRST (and only!!!) time my girls were in a police car together (or alone for that matter!)

libbi was a little unsure when it came to milking the cow. she's the FIRST to admit she's not an animal lover. :)

but brantley stepped right in, braced herself, and got down to business. (get it, girl!)

libbi also carried a puppy for the FIRST time. granted; it was stuffed. and in a cage. but still noteworthy for our girl.

it makes me laugh to see these pictures, because even while they're playing....libbi's puppy was not let out of his kennel - haha!

obviously, the people at INK had never met libbi. she's the FIRST in line anytime there's a joyful noise to be made.

the girls held their FIRST practice for their future world famous all girl band. look for their FIRST album to drop sometime around 2030....that should give laney time to hone her skillz.

but - you can pre-order your copy now if you'd like. :)

FIRST time driving a fire truck. she looked like a pro! :)

libbi also had her FIRST experience with fulfilling her civic duty. i'm not too sure she was thrilled about serving on a jury. must've been that lame $35/day payment.

overall, our FIRST trip to INK was a huge success! we came, we saw, we conquered (and we weren't the featured story on the 10 o'clock news....success!) and where else can you get your hair "did", go to the dentist, milk a cow, sit in a squad car, fly a plane, and doctor your babies and pets all in one place?!
(to see more memories of firsts on the first click HERE.)
Happy FIRST day of June, friends!!!