our weekend in cell phone pictures....
thursday night:
girls night out....at chickfila. obviously, we take our chickfila very seriously.

libbi also enjoyed the new chickfila cookie.

libbi got her hair cut

the before and after
she's working that summer "bob"

laney just kept checking herself out in the mirror.

she was a little self conscious that her skirt made her butt look big. :)

buddy was home from the hospital and he and libbi spent some quality time together while he recovered at home. thank you for everyone that called, texted, emailed, and commented asking about him. thank you so much for your prayers! he is recovering at home now!! :)

we spent the night with my parents while jeffrey was playing in a golf tournament all weekend.
this was my roommate for the night:

she was also a major bed hog.

birthday party for joey.

libbi learned who batman is

laney loved the party food :)

after the party, the girls played for a while...

then waited patiently for mimzy and buddy to get back home

jeffrey left for his final day of the golf tournament around 6:45am and the girls and i made it to church in record time.
after church, we ran into target, then met buddy and mimzy for brunch.
when we got home, libbi was supposed to be playing in her room while i put laney down for a nap. when i came out of laney's room, i found a very PROUD libbi waiting to show off her tower. she even made me promise to save it for jeffrey to see.

the girls proudly sported their "golf shirts" (monogrammed, of course) in honor of daddy's tournament.

i tried to get a picture of them together, but....as usual, it didn't quite work out as planned.

after naps, jeffrey came home and brought libbi a surprise.
she was just a tad excited :)

this week libbi starts sports camp and swimming lessons. it's sure to be another fun week! :)
and..... the winner of the ditsy daisy boutique giveaway is: Lauren!

lauren, look for an email from me soon! :)
hope y'all had a great weekend!!