i'm sure you're all aware of how HOT is has been 'round here. we've had weeks of 100+ degree temps and it's been way too hot to play outside. we try to go out early in the morning, but i'm not kidding you when i say it's already in the 90's by 10am. boy howdy that's hot!
since it was the week of the fourth, libbi didn't have sports camp this week, so we were left on our own to try to come up with some fun INDOOR things to do. :)
we made a racetrack out of masking tape and libbi drove her cars

she even raced minnie mouse - ha!
(and dressed herself in case you couldn't tell)

poor minnie didn't fare so well... remind me to never lose a race against libbi!

later that afternoon our track turned into a balance beam and we had our very own olympic gymnastics trials right in our living room.
(if you were wondering, libbi won the gold - ha!) ;-)
(if you were wondering, libbi won the gold - ha!) ;-)
we spent the fourth with some of our sweet friends. i tried to take a few pictures of the girls in their cute red, white, and blue outfits (made by our friend stephanie - we miss you!!!) but as per usual, it just wasn't happening. i swear my girls were BORN with drama in their blood (and don't you dare say it was hereditary) ;)

we had a great time cooking out at our friends jay and tammy's house and watching the kiddos play. they have a precious little boy named landon and are expecting another little boy soon! can you say arranged marriages?! :)))
we went for ice cream before we headed home for the night. i've said it before and i'll say it again: ice cream is libbi's love language. this is her "happy place" :)
after ice cream, we were going to brave the fireworks, but our girls had reached their limit...actually laney had far surpassed hers. she's not quite the party animal - she's more of a homebody like her momma. :)
it sure was nice to have a little break in the middle of the week and have daddy home with us! on thursday we ran a few errands and played inside trying to stay cool. laney has been quite the shopper lately.

except for when she tries to eat her buggy...silly girl :)

she and libbi usually play together pretty well...except for when laney doesn't listen - ha!
i'll hear libbi say, "yay-knee...i told you 'free' times, don't touch that! yes ma'am??"
what a little stinker.

can you tell what's about to happen in this picture? i'll give you a hint.... it was a pre-curson to a nice session in timeout. yikes!

on friday night, libbi spent the night out with her mimzy and buddy. i was able to play around on my new silhouette cameo (thank you, jeffrey!!) since my other "assistant" retired early for the night. unfortunately, my silhouette endeavors weren't so successful...i think i need lessons :-/
today was spent playing, golfing, napping, and playing some more! we're looking forward to church tomorrow and a nice relaxing sunday at home! have a great rest of the weekend, friends - - and stay cool!!! :)