TGIF!! Here's a quick recap of much of our week with some snapshots from my phone. happy friday! :)
2. libbi went with me to a baby shower at her cousin's house. she had tons of dress-up clothes and an ipad. there were also cupcakes. libbi has reminded me repeatedly that she "LOVES baby showers!"
3. ridin' dirrrrrrty. with my mind on my milk and my milk on my mind....
4. and this is what happens when we have to come inside. isn't life so tough? ;)
5. a classic libbi pose - "the flamingo" - at the local splash park.
6. somebody has learned to pout.
7. the girls were discussing what to cook for supper.
8. they decided on ice. that's one way to kick start my diet. :)
9. laney loves building towers and libbi loves knocking them down. you'd think it would be a match made in heaven...right?? ha!
10. oh the joys of a video monitor.... finding your child using her (clean!) undergarments as a "hat" during naptime.
11. libbi's last day of sports camp was this week. this picture makes me laugh, because there's laney right in the middle of the huddle (and she was NOT a sports camp participant).
12. sports camp grad! say hello to sporty spice! :)
13. sister pictures never end well these days.
14. 3/5 days this week libbi has gotten up from naptime wearing a bathing suit. for the record, we have not been to the pool all week.
15. laney got caught mackin' on the baby doll in tar-jay.
16. our girls LOVE being outside.
17. even when they're pouting...
18. and pouting some more. :)
19. libbi got to meet her new preschool teacher on thursday. she was a little nervous.
20. whew! it's been a loooong week. we're exhausted!
happy weekend, friends!