y'all know that i love a good list :)
so i thought i would recap our vacation with not one, but two top ten lists.
one list documenting our top ten BEST moments. and the other.... our "not-so-best" moments ;-)
so in no particular order, here are the top ten moments from our vacation that we'd rather NOT relive - haha! :-)
the girls and i drove to the beach on saturday. jeffrey had a work trip, so he flew in and then met us there on sunday. i'm not exaggerating when i tell you that we stopped 4 times in the span of 1 hour. it took us about 2.5 hours to go 75 miles. and there was NO traffic. after about a solid 45 minutes of laney screaming, i decided that jeffrey more than likely purposefully planned his work trip around our drive. i swear that laney practically kissed the ground once we finally arrived at our destination. i couldn't blame her. |
the wind was pretty fierce some days and poor libbi just couldn't handle it - ha! she was not a fan of the sand blowing on her. |
i have no words.... and that's probably because this is mostly my fault. i have NO idea what possessed me to put markers in libbi's "travel bag" (a tote bag full of books, games, toys, etc to keep her occupied in the car - and boy, did it!). that's obviously a mistake i won't make again. |
and by "late night" i mean 8:00. haha.... we learned the hard way that the golf cart rides were not relaxing for everyone. |
we just had to laugh, because we spent more time preparing to go out to the beach each day than actually on the beach. |
libbi can be sort of dramatic (i have NO idea where she gets that from!) and would expect us to solve her problems. you know, things like "make the wind stop blowing" or "get the sun out of my eyes!" unfortunately we couldn't always help her out. |
oh, those blasted stairs! laney would have played on them all day long. nevermind that there were pools, waterslides, and toys right at her fingertips. she preferred to go up and down the stairs, (and up and down, and up and down....) |
y'all know my girls are not animal lovers. we saw this huge horseshoe crab and libbi was not appreciative of him being up in her space. there were also quite a few dogs running around...and i'm pretty sure you know how she felt about that. :) |
this was "B.C"...before (the) cracks. i dropped my phone towards the beginning of the week and the screen shattered. not one of my finer moments. it still works though, and i have fingertips of fiberglass to prove it. (side note: i typed the "i love daddy!" then libbi typed her name all by herself!) |
silly faces, crazy looks, and laney trying to escape. that about sums up our family picture experience. sadly, this is one of the better ones. let's just say that i'm almost certain not one of the pics we took would have christmas card potential. |
and now...our top ten BEST vacation moments:
libbi refers to herself as a "puzzle girl." she loves puzzles (and is really good at them, too!). she would enjoy sitting out on the porch with buddy and mimzy and putting together puzzles each day. such sweet times. |
one of my absolute favorite moments was watching my girls play together. love seeing their friendship develop! |
this was by far one of libbi's favorite moments. she would have stayed on that "frog slide" until her fingers and toes were wrinkled like prunes. and then she would have stayed longer. |
in years past, libbi has been scared of the sand. she didn't want it touching her, which is a little difficult for obvious reasons. while she still wasn't super fond of the sand, she came a long way and we were SO proud! |
it was a fabulous time watching precious laney just take everything in. she was on "high alert" the entire trip trying to figure out every thing that she was seeing. |
we were on alligator watch all week. libbi was so excited to find one for buddy. she told him it was "just perfect" ;-) what wasn't so perfect? the fact that he was resting right by the playground |
these girls had the BEST time out on the beach. and seriously...those thighs on laney?! LOVE!
i just love these girls to pieces. i was beyond thankful to be able to spend so much time with them this week at the beach and get to experience so many new and fun things together! |
one of the highlights of libbi's trip was her pancake date with daddy. she was so excited to be able to go to breakfast with him all by herself. she even picked out a "fancy" dress AND posed for pictures (which is HUGE!) |
and my number one favorite moment of our family vacation.... all of the precious memories that we made. good, bad, and everything in between. we will cherish ALL of the memories that we made during our week at fripp island! we can't wait for next year ;) |