i remember the FIRST time i held libbi, the FIRST thing i said was, "oh my gosh. she's so heavy!" and i was terrified that my dr. was going to tell me i had just birthed a 15 pound baby worthy of the tabloids.
as FIRST time parents, we were scared to death. ha! we had NO clue what we were doing and felt pretty sure that it was glaringly obvious.
the FIRST time we put libbi in the car to take her home, i sat in the backseat with her and jeffrey drove. i don't think we really even talked or breathed for that matter. i know he more than likely had two hands on the wheel at all times and i'm pretty sure that we even pulled over once just to make sure everything was okay. (we live about 7 miles from the hospital) - ha!
having laney was a completely different experience. we didn't have any of those FIRST time jitters. my main concern was how laney's arrival would effect my FIRST baby. i was a nervous wreck about libbi feeling left out or neglected.
when i held laney for the FIRST time, it was not too long after we heard, "it's a girl!" for the very FIRST time.
when our FIRST baby arrived to meet our newest baby girl, she was very timid at FIRST.
these pictures make me smile, because they are just "so libbi." she's not overly affectionate or cuddly. she's just very observant and assessing every thing about the situation and the new baby. i laugh when i see these, because they are a perfect depiction of libbi's little personality - even to this day.
even though she wasn't smothering her sister with kisses the FIRST time they met, i knew without a doubt that they would one day be the best of friends. after all, a sibling is your FIRST "true" friend (whether you like it or not - ha!)
when we brought laney home for the FIRST time, it was very different from our experience with libbi. i totally forgot to sit in the backseat. and we didn't stop on our way home to make sure everything was okay, but we did stop through the drive-thru at chickfila - ha! ;-)
i love that i have these precious moments of FIRST introductions to look at forever. it makes me so thankful for my babies and even more excited that not too long from now we'll be meeting another sweet baby for the FIRST time!
happy march FIRST, friends!
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