first of all, and most importantly - i passed the three hour glucose test. and all God's people said, "amen!" after i heard back from my doctor on tuesday to let me know i had passed, i did what any normal person would do: i celebrated with a glass of sweet tea (from chickfila) and a few oreos. ;-)
libbi has been very inquisitive lately. she listens to everything, and i mean EV-ER-Y-THING going on around her (especially conversations she is not involved in...). i posted the other day about the CD that the girls like to listen to in the car (and fight over) and libbi is constantly asking me what certain words or phrases from the songs mean. one afternoon she asked, "momma...what's a creeper?"
uh....excuse me, a creeper?! what?! i started worrying she'd heard me retelling a facebook stalking episode of some sort - not that i've ever done that or anything. ;-)
and so i asked her to repeat her question just to make sure i'd heard her correctly. and again, she asked, "what's a creeper?" when i asked her where she'd heard the word "creeper" she told me it was in a song. she then started singing, "oh, we'll all come out to CREEPER when she comes. yes we'll all come out to CREEPER when she comes..." ha! who knew that "she'll be comin' round the mountain" would be so relevant in today's world? :)
and poor libbi doesn't know it yet, but she is stuck with her "creeper" mother that takes pictures of her while she sleeps at night. :)
i've tried a few new pinterest recipes this week. i guess i decided it was high time i actually do something instead of just pin everything. i would say one recipe was a success and one was definitely not. the chicken and rice bake has been deemed, "never make that again." (and i'll admit that the majority of it went into the trash). but the chicken and dumplings recipe was a success. they were good! and easy! i know late spring is not really "chicken and dumpling" season, but if you're 8 months pregnant and chicken and dumplings sound good, then chicken and dumplings it is. :)
when jeffrey and i came back from orlando a few weeks ago, he found a bird's nest in one of the trees near our front porch. it had four beautiful blue eggs inside. we would all watch (or should i say, "creep on") the nest throughout the day. :)
until, one day this week we noticed that the nest was completely empty. no momma bird, no babies, no egg shells, nothing. it doesn't look like the nest has been disturbed, but there is literally not a trace of anything left in it. optimistically, i'm hoping that the momma bird just decided to move her family (i have no idea if that is even possible?!) but i also know that there's a chance something else "happened." fortunately (i guess?) libbi is thrilled. since the nest is now empty, she has deemed it hers for the taking. we haven't moved it, yet. but she can't wait much longer. she reminds me every day that the nest is empty and that "you said if i ever found a nest that didn't have birds or eggs in it, i could have it." (well, duh. of course i said that. because who really thought THAT would EVER happen?!)
I have two giveaways currently going on. the first giveaway, a $50 credit to Mikarose, ends at midnight tonight - so hurry and enter if you haven't already! the second giveaway, in honor of my new etsy shop, ends next week. you can find the giveaway HERE.
now, make sure to check out the 5 on friday link-up to read other's "5 on friday" posts....

cheers to the weekend, y'all!