i'm linking up again with darci and some other fun bloggers for five on friday...
i've been working on some summer printables, calendars, and activities for the girls. i'll be sharing them soon...hopefully within a day or two! maybe it's the list maker in me or the scheduler, i don't know. but we just thrive so much better when we have a plan. and a schedule. otherwise, i'm likely to stay in pj's all day and accomplish nothing.... other than keeping the girls fed and alive, which should count for something, right? ;-)
here's a little sneak peek of what's to come...
we went to a fairy garden party last weekend. y'all. it was seriously the cutest thing ever. my friend amanda is THE best party planner. you have to check out this party...click HERE to see her blog post and all the details. my iphone pics just don't do it justice.
my girls were in heaven (despite their uber serious faces in these pics). libbi was way too embarrassed to wear her "fairy costume" at the party, but you better believe she threw it on as soon as we walked in the door. and we kept it classy by keeping the fairy party going outside while jeffrey cleaned out the car. the girls watched from their "front row" seats, blew bubbles, and drew with sidewalk chalk. all in their fairy costumes.
just a little PSA....if you don't have a water table for your kiddos, get one. asap.
our water table is one of the few toys that has withstood the test of time...and two toddlers. we got it when libbi was around 18mos old, and almost 2.5 years later(!) my girls would still play with it all day every day. and honestly, it's not even one of those water tables with all the bells and whistles. in fact, most of the original pieces are missing...but. it is SO worth it. we throw out some tupperware, cups, measuring spoons, paintbrushes, etc. and they are set. there are times they treat it like their own personal bird bath and want to roost in it all day, but who can blame them when it's 80*+ outside? :)
in the spirit of trying new recipes, i decided to take one for team tippins and try the "perfect m&m cookie" recipe that i pinned. maybe i just had too high of expectations for this since they were deemed "perfect" but i have to say, i wasn't impressed. don't get me wrong, it didn't stop me from eating them, but i just wouldn't label them as "perfect." i MUCH prefer the cookie recipe my friend rachel shared. now THOSE are gooooooood.
we found these "playground pals" at kohls and LOVE them! since libbi has grown out of her bloomers, but not quite grown into her ladylike ways, she's still in need of some coverage under her dresses and skirts. these playground pals are the perfect little short to put under her dresses. they stay hidden, but still preserve her modesty while playing. the smallest size we could find was a 4 so they're a little baggy on my skinny minny, but they still get the job done. they go all they way up to "big girl" sizes, so girl mommas....head over to kohl's (or their website) and find your little lady some of these!

happy friday, friends!! :)