so....i finally did it.
after thinking about it, talking about it, and going back and forth about it - i finally opened up a little etsy shop of my own. i've been making things for friends and family for a while now so i thought, why not?
One Good Name is officially open for business! :)
i'm only offering a few things right now - but hopefully the selection will increase with time. here are a few products that are offered in my shop, "One Good Name"

i can also do custom orders. if you're interested in a custom monogram, label, or name i can do that too! i've made quite a few custom monograms and decals for friends and family based upon their requests. you can see all available colors and patterns in the shop and then just email me or convo me through etsy to set up your custom listing. i've made vinyl monograms for cars, sippy cups, walls - you name it! we also have quite the collection of "T's" around our home and on various items (which Jeffrey just loves-as you can imagine). i can do all the "work" and then just ship it to you to apply on the item of your choosing. the decals are very easy to apply yourself - even for someone like me who can't even draw a straight line with a ruler.
and what's the point of having my own blog and esty shop if i can't do a little shameless self promotion now and then?! so with that being said, i've got two fun offers for y'all today!
first off is a giveaway....
enter below to win your very own sandwich holder and water bottle. you can choose the color and design. check out One Good Name to see the available colors/designs/and monograms.
and never fear - if you don't win, but you're interested in purchasing an item, you can use the code TTT10 for 10% off your purchase!
thanks for indulging me by reading this post (and hopefully checking out the etsy shop!) and thank you to all those that have supported me thus far! i hope to see some of y'all around One Good Name!
thanks, friends! :)