Friday, July 11, 2014

five on friday….

it's been a while since i've posted a "five on friday" … or really just posted in general. le blog has been a bit neglected as of late. oops. so here's a quick catchup with a random "Five on Friday"….

one week from today my BABY will turn one. 
how can that be?! 
it's been the fastest year of my life. 
we're going to have a sweet little family party to celebrate our precious liza girl! 

thighs. 'nuff said ;) 

we have a crazy busy weekend coming up, because one of my dearest friends is getting married! i am one of her matrons of honor and i seriously could not be more thrilled for her. it's going to be epic. :)
and libbi is 100% bummed that she won't get to witness the wedding. she's convinced that everyone will be wearing fancy dresses, dancing, and eating cake. oh… wait. that's EXACTLY what's going to be happening! sorry, libs! 

i took the girls to the movies this week and it was a success, if i do say so myself. my girls love Madagascar 3 (or "apple circus" as they call it - ha! they are positive that marty sings "apple circus" not "afro circus" during the movie, so they've just always referred to the movie as, "apple circus" and who am i to correct them?). anyway, apple circus was showing at the $1 movie, so i figured we'd give it a shot. if it didn't work out, we'd just be out a few dollars and the movie theater is IN the mall, so we could always just walk out and shop. win: win! :) 
but the girls did great! liza slept through most of it, laney only had to potty twice, and libbi belted out all the songs like it was her job. success! 
please excuse our dark movie theater selfie. :) 

speaking of laney's potty breaks, i have to mention that she has done AMAZINGLY well with potty training. she literally had three accidents the first morning, but once she had her first successful attempt, she hasn't looked back. not a single accident since that first morning over a week ago. we are so, SO proud of her! and she is even prouder of herself - ha! she was using the little potty (which is the grossest thing to me in the world) but decided she'd rather just use the big potty. she told me she didn't like the little potty because it "didn't have a flusher or toilet paper." well okay, then. 
(showing off their muscles) 

a few funny things that have happened lately: 
the girls got art kits from my mom. laney was thrilled with the princess lipstick. only it wasn't lipstick. it was a glue stick. oops. ;) 

jeffrey had on a pair of plaid shorts last sunday and when libbi saw him she gasped and said, "DADDY! you can't wear your underwear to church!" i guess she thought his shorts looked similar to plaid boxers. ha! she was quite alarmed. ;) 

happy friday, friends! have a great weekend!! :)